Photo by Frida Lannerström on Unsplash

Once out of the blue I thought ‘What if I pet a tiger, lion, cheetah, leopard!!! When I was in second grade I was crazy on wild cats so this thought came to my mind. Well, it is said that tigers are extinct and save tigers and all that in India, so why don’t we keep them as a pet and save them? First, I had asked my mom to buy a pet, so I got 2 cockatiels, so why not a tiger? I did little research in google before telling my mom to buy a tiger from the nearest pet shop and there were only no’s in there for these reasons:

  • tigers are wild animals of great size and strength and could kill you
  • tigers are carnivores and need large quantities of raw meat which would be very costly.
  • tigers require lots of space to roam to be truly happy.
  • It’s unfair to the tiger, who belongs in the wild, not in your home or backyard.

Blah blah blah....

When I did more research I found that tigers are pet in different countries than why can’t I, when I went more into it I found an article saying that an Canadian man kept tiger in his farmhouse, but ones he was killed by his own 650 pound pet tiger!!! Maybe that man would be very careless and and would kept it lose

And I read one more article saying that, Patty Perry, founder of Wildlife Environmental Conservation (WEC) in Moorpark, California, suffered puncture wounds and several cuts after at least two of the tigers attacked her during a special event for donors.

I even found an link giving ways to be protected from the tiger. This is what it said

How to Survive a Tiger Attack

If you ever find yourself in proximity to a tiger without an adequate barrier through which you might safely observe them, immediately recognize that you are in danger. Whenever possible, avoid areas in which a tiger may be present. If you do encounter a tiger, take the necessary steps to reduce the chances the tiger will attack, and know what to do if the tiger does begin to attack
One of the methods was..

Surviving an Actual Tiger Attack

Try to remain calm and back away slowly. In the event that a tiger is tracking you or has begun to snarl at you and seems ready to attack, try to stay calm. Do not look the tiger in the eye, but do turn towards the tiger. Back away slowly while fighting the urge to turn your back and run.

Keep walking backwards until the tiger is well out of sight, then turn and move quickly away from the location of the tiger.

I read more articles on this ant some were too scary. My wight is some thing 39kg ant the tigers wight is 650 pounds!!! If it even keeps a paw on me than my mom would find me sleeping the hole day. If I’m scared of a dog bark how can I manage a tiger roar, what if in playful mood it jumps over me!!! I even have a parrot, I can’t bare a bite of it that what will happen with the tiger. 

Finally ... I don’t think it’s a good idea to keep a tiger as a pet so some lovebird would do it.


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