Source: gomiche from Pixabay 

It is wisely said that we are not products of our circumstances but we are products of our decision. Maintaining a balance between work and marriage is always an arduous question for women. The responsibility of marriage is seldom shared equally between men and working women. Sometimes an educated woman falls into the trap of marriage and becomes a victim of her own destiny.

It is seen that marriage is considered to be sacred for those who believe in such an institution where men and women take their vows and commit themselves to a relationship in front of society. In a husband there is only a man, in a married woman, there is a man, a father, a mother, and a woman. A woman who had left her home for the sake of her marriage start sacrificing from the very first day. Not only did she leaves her home, she if working, switch her own job to that place where his husband is working. Rarely do men change their job to accompany their women?

It is the saddest truth. It is expected from a woman to sacrifice. It is mandatory for her. Who made this assumption? Only God knows. It is a myth that my profession will always be respected. After the wedding it is expected from a woman to take leave from their job for petty domestic issues like maid haven’t come, mother or father in law is unwell, parents meeting in schools, etc.

What would happen if we encourage all women to be a little more ambitious?

Sometimes we discourage women so badly after marriage that emotionally and mentally they get so frustrated and their performance at the workplace gets affected badly. The consequence of this can be resignation. Many women then need to settle for less-paying jobs. I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and career.

Some women leave their careers to co-operate with their husbands. They give marriage priority over their career. This is the worst mistake she does in her life. She is just trying to make everything feasible for everyone but do you think she is on the right track. Bearing a child is more important than your career. After some years of marriage, the demand for children arises. She is expected to discontinue her career as managing a child is the sole responsibility of a woman. Sometimes they switch to a freelance option but unfortunately, it seldom works leading to jobless stay-at-home mothers.

Is marriage a setback for the working woman?

Many families in India still prefer a housewife rather than a working woman. Most men do believe this. They prefer a non-working woman who can take care of the house, stay at home and raise their kids.

They believe that if both husband and wife will work then who will look after their health and the needs of a family. We have such an upbringing where we feel that women only can take care of household work. If he is a well-qualified girl and is ready to sacrifice her career after marriage that will be the best choice.

There is something so special but a woman who dominates in a man’s world. Sacrifice is the keyword for women. It is easily said that men cannot sacrifice. My argument begins with the notion that why men cannot sacrifice. Who will explain, why the career of a man, their life, their attitude is considered more than a woman's.

Not only this, why the educated woman and men have equal responsibility-sharing attitudes. This seems to be a tough question but the world needs to understand it. Let the woman need to take responsibility for her career and her decision. Believe in her.

I am a girl, I can fight.
I am capable for myself, my future is bright.
I am flying with great spirit,
My quest has different identity,
I am flying with my wings, openly
Flying so high, so no one can touch,
Flying with my unspoken dream,
And to conquer the summit where no one can reach.
I am a queen of my will,
I should be heard and I need not to prove my skill.
Save my future, respect my life
You need to introspect, then only I can survive.

It is rather important to have faith in a woman. She too can have a choice of falling into a relationship that may not be compatible for her. She needs to consider some points or rather discuss them with her partner before marriage.

  • The possibility of relocating to another place.
  • The growth prospects of each other.
  • Sharing the responsibility of household work.

Every Disney princess knows the answer “Be yourself’, “Follow your Heart”

A drift is observed in today’s world. Women are well educated and they can take up more work. Women have started working to get financial independence and have ease to approach employment and education. Men have also started considering their wives equally and are not intimidated. They started taking gender equality more seriously.

Gender equality is today’s demand,

Encourage this, it will expand.
The worth of the woman should always be praised,
The issue of equality is put on ablaze.
It is a man’s best quality,
If he believes in equality.

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