Picture source : https://www.pexels.com/
“Mood swings not only put a huge burden on the health of a woman jeopardizing their relationship and daily life activities.”

“Oh so dreadful days“ sudden change in emotional state, bizarre food cravings ,fatigue are some of the symptoms that most of the women are associated with. Yes, we are talking about menstrual mood swings which is caused by intense change in emotional state. You may feel happy at one time and quickly switch to feeling sad.

It is often seen that women do track their periods, their ovulation, but sometimes it is obligatory to track their mood swings. Menstrual mood swing occurs a week before your period and last for few days of your period.

Menstrual Mood Swing : Causes

Mood swings happens due to variation in hormonal level. When ovary releases egg or the ovulation occurs the level of hormones like estrogen and progesterone falls. The shift can activate psychological or physical symptom. Serotonin which regulates mood is also affected.

So, we can say that variety of physical, emotional and behavioral symptom that occurs before menstruation is known as Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). It is prevalent in 5% of women.

Is It Severe To Have Mood Swings?

There are two conditions pertaining to PMS , Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) and Premenstrual Exacerbation (PME).

The extreme form of PMS is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). They have significant mood swings and symptoms can continue even after the menses are over.

When a woman with pre-existing mental condition has worse symptoms days or weeks before her period, this condition is called Premenstrual Exacerbation (PME). The mental condition of a woman becomes more severe leading to anxiety and depression and bipolar disorder.

Symptoms Pertaining To Menstrual Mood Swing.

A women suffering from PMS or PMDD can have physical, behavioral or psychological symptoms

Physical Symptoms:- headaches, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, difficulty in sleeping.

Behavioral Symptoms:- fatigue, forgetfulness, difficulty in concentrating

Psychological Symptoms:- mood swing, sudden sadness, anxiety, irritability.

Is it Normal to have Menstrual Mood Swings?

90% of women who have menstrual cycle experience physical or psychological symptoms of PMS. 
In most of the women the symptoms are not severe. PMDD occurs in 3-8% of women and is not very common.

How to Manage Menstrual Mood Swings.

It is important to manage premenstrual mood swing and can be done by simple lifestyle changes.

  • Keep a record of your mood!
    Yes, it is necessary to keep a record of your mood swings and notice when they occur in your menstrual cycle.
  • Eat a balanced diet !
    Mood swings can be reduced by avoiding food containing sugar, sodium and caffeine. It is seen that anxiety, depression can be improved by using Calcium supplements like cheese, yogurt or leafy vegetables.
  • Exercise regularly! 
    Regular aerobic exercises can lower emotional and physical symptoms of PMS and PMDD. Yoga or meditation therapy reduce stress level and balance mood swing.
  • Sleep is essential!
    Take a good sleep, it certainly affects your mood.
  • See a doctor!
    When a women experience a severe mood swing then she should see a doctor. The doctor may rule out her depression or anxiety and may recommend some medication and lifestyle changes.

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