Photo by cottonbro studio: pexels

Window of my soul opens with a grieve
to face another ghost on this battleground
The glimmers of sun sends me messages
of jumbled words in the web of my head
I put my feet in earthquakes
drinking a cup of under confidence
Reflection in the mirror plays chess
to somehow defeat this loneliness
and I desperately seek asylum in my poetries
But no pieces of mine are in unity
Valour sticks to my feet while I walk
I burn my eyes with fire so nobody can notice
my frozen fingers holding weapons to fight
the pack of wolves who are ever ready to drink my blood
to crush my even last single flower bud
I rush to catch the bus
that might bring me closer to my hopes
So I speed up, if I don’t I might lose everything at once
so I pour even the last drop of blood, sweat and tears to reach those schemes
I carry treacherous secrets on my completely dried veins
The bus leaves me in the desert with no means of survival
I try to catch my unspoken agony but it vanishes
in air leaving no trace of its existence
I drag everything like my prized possession
underneath my wounded flesh, pretending there is no load
on this criminal mind and fragile soul
I fill my empty space with pouring hearts of my friends
and none with mine
I write letters to strangers in a hope to be heard of
but shred them so that no one could decipher them
Still hoping for someone to solve the puzzle at a glance
Purple proses have my joy, pain, moments, love, dreams and so much more
In my buried long lost archives I search for parts of myself
wondering whether I should run away with them
or create someone who is new and since valued
Sun goes back home, leaving me with a yearning hope
Scintillating stars recites me tales of history and musings to put me in bed
The day says goodbye, bursting on me a deceitful cloud of daydreams
Sedative darkness isn't much of help to me
to find ways to escape this quandary
I just simply exist to document my journey
of old times and gift my ink to various deceitful
happiness on the piles of papers
who witnesses the vicious cycles of my eternal stories
and undying and alluring fate.

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