There are many continents in the world & each and every continent is located in different parts of the world & there are different countries belonging to each of these continents. So naturally many people reside in different parts of the countries belonging to each of the continents. For an individual, his or her country becomes the best country of the world to live in, because an individual is born in that particular country so it is obvious that he or she would definitely prefer his or her country to be the best to live in. An individual also gets the citizenship of that country because it is their birthplace.
There are many people who move from one country to another country either for business purposes or for job purposes because they are sent to foreign countries by their companies for which they are working or else they try to go to foreign countries by themselves by getting passport green card visa etc. Every individual feels proud of their country after all it is their motherland. Many times people visit foreign countries just for world tour purpose, and sometimes even students go abroad for educational purpose as well.
Some citizens are born in a particular country, but they are brought up in some other country because the family migrates from one country to another country. Such citizens are allowed & they can migrate & settle back to the same country because they have citizenship right from their birth time. It is possible that their parents do not have citizenship in that particular country.
As every citizen would always prefer to choose his or her country as the best country to live in, it is obvious that an Indian citizen would always choose India as the best country to live in. The reason for it is that the individual is born & brought up in the Indian soil an individual has always played in the mud of their motherland. No doubt that our motherland India has been affected by all sorts of enemy attacks yet an Indian would always be proud of their country, their motherland.
Another reason is that when Indian citizens migrate to foreign countries, they find it very difficult to adjust to the people belonging to those countries. But of course, there are many Indian citizens residing in foreign countries, so that they can get along well with the Indians in foreign countries. We Indians are very humble polite & peace lovers in India, we carry the feeling of oneness & brotherhood in our hearts, we respect each other’s culture, language, and tradition. We look after our senior people or elders, and we take care of our elders in India. We celebrate so many festivals in India & people of all religions have a get-together & they come together. We celebrate various festivals & even national festivals.
Indians are compulsorily forced to migrate to foreign countries for employment purposes by their companies who are already having a tie-up with foreign countries or MNCs. We have the feeling of oneness amongst one another before independence, Britishers ruled over India for many years & all our freedom fighters fought against them so that our motherland India can be free from British rule. Lots of people lost their lives & lots of people shed their blood so that we could enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices.
Soldiers are the ones who are truly Indians, they are the ones who are the real heroes of motherland India. A soldier always fights with the enemies that are terrorists, so that our motherland can be protected. A soldier is never off duty under any circumstances, under any conditions, they are the ones who protect the country across the border so that the rest of the nation can sleep peacefully.
A soldier is the one who can be called the son of the soil. He never migrates to another country he is born for India & he even sacrifices his life for the protection of motherland India. When people move to another country from India, they feel their life to be very busy hectic & stressful, whereas in India they have time to do so many other things they have the freedom to move around, wherever they want to they can eat whatever food they like. In some countries, citizens are supposed to do only those things as government instructs them, whereas there is no restriction in countries like India regarding freedom to life, freedom to speak & criticize the government, and freedom of movement & so on.
Even after so many years of India’s independence people have the craze to visit foreign countries & work for the foreign country’s companies despite the fact that the Indians in other countries are treated like slaves hardly few citizens from India get the best jobs, royal treatment & status in foreign countries. An Indian citizen can make money but there is no dignity of labor. Because we Indians want a good lavish lifestyle which they can get only if they are working in India. Many talented Indians have settled permanently in countries like the USA, Canada, London, after completing their professional degrees from their motherland (India).
Some Indian citizens migrate to some of the foreign countries for 4 or 5 years. Later on, they move back to India for their children’s education purposes & even for their job prospects. India has got a very good education facility which helps the citizens to come back from the foreign countries. This is one of the reasons for India to be among the best countries in the world to live in. And there are several other reasons for India to be the best country in the world.