Once upon a time, in a distant past,
there lived a king in a kingdom of slaves.
He considered himself the only astute tyrant in a country he wanted to enslave.
The ruler was from the majority,
but nay, he wasn't their relative!
When he changed the legal currency, people considered it a meritorious initiative.
He didn't focus on inflation, poverty, unemployment, and crime.
He just hankered after making money!
The sudden demonetization ultimately resulted in the
severe downfall of the country's economy!
Then, he had the idea of playing a game.
A game-to make his countrymen fool!
So at last, he chose to play
a game of divide and rule!
The prudent ruler then did something which no other ruler ever dared to do.
He set aside all the prevailing issues in the nation and took up a case of December 6th, 1992.
While one community's sentiments were hurt, the other celebrated its victory.
He was successful in causing a communal conflict and, eventually, a schism between the two communities, which were till now living peacefully.
When his thirst for animosity wasn't quenched,
he decided to spread more rivalry and enmity.
He then introduced CAA and NRC, which made his countrymen prove their identity!
In his realm, he laid out healthy relations with foreigners.
His foreign companions used to give him treat!
Wine, cigarettes, and drugs were openly being sold in his kingdom. And the food that was banned was meat!
Let me write about his other great initiative.
If you contemplate, you'll find it quite profound and deep!
The king banned the loudspeakers in the mosques as it caused hindrance to his sleep.
The majority was in favour of his decisions.
But who actually suffered was the minority, as all of this ruler's initiatives directly targeted one innocent community.
God didn't like this so one day,
A dreadful pestilence spread in his nation.
People started dying of this communicable disease
It was a panic situation-hypertension!
The impotent people hurriedly rushed to the king, whom they considered their saviour.
But he ignored them like you ignore fools.
Of course, the countrymen didn't expect this behaviour.
The lost lives didn't have any impact on the ruler.
Because that life wasn't his own.
He just cared about his crown.
and smirked while sitting on the throne.
The king then addressed the nation with an impassioned plea.
"At five o'clock, I implore you all to stand and clap your hands."
This'll surely boost the morale of our doctors and will drive the disease away from our land.
The kingdom did as they were told by the king.
However, a few wise and intellectual natives
began to realise this lunatic emperor's hypocrisy and began to criticise
this foolish old man's initiative.
While the mighty king harangued about humanity,
the country's self-respect was sweetly slapped.
When the masquerade king finished boasting about his loyalty,
his sycophant courtiers clapped.
By and by, his economy fell drastically, and the helpless people were left with no money.
Millions died and thousands became bankrupt.
He sighed in pleasure, and the country wept at her destiny.
"Oh Mighty King, please do something!"
The people again turned to the king, who was safe and secure.
"Helpless people on the streets are starving to death."
"Please eradicate this disease and find a cure!"
Nobody dared to take his throne, nor dared to snatch away his crown. Millions of people were brought to the floor when he imoosed lockdown.
In this critical situation of great turmoil,
when the doctors put all their efforts and toil,
the king asked his natives to clang utensils.
And of course, this indifference made their blood boil.
In this situation of enormous anguish,all the pains innocent people have to endure Indeed, all praise to the Almighty who eradicated a disease that was believed to have no cure.
The illiterate didn't even know the meaning of mercy.
But the Almighty God then showed pity.
It was a tight slap on his face when he took the aid from the country, which belonged to the minority.
In his kingdom, the names of some ancient places have also been changed.
When he asked the helpless people to light a lamp, in this severe and deadly situation, lamps were arranged!
How can you expect a ruler who has zero background in academics to understand your issues, show you empathy and tackle this difficult situation of a pandemic?
The king, who for the people was God, their saviour,
didn't even bother to hear their silent cries!
The king's rule would spell its doom,
Now the people began to realize!
People are less concerned with who to vote for and who truly deserves the throne because this busy world is preoccupied with itself and has enough problems of it's own!
Don't be just a preacher like that king, not a blind follower.
Take action for yourself and be a doer, because dynasts who live in palaces can't understand the problems of the poor!
Amidst all the shrieks of the bellowing countrymen,
if you move to his court, you'll hear laughter.
Just like in my stories, in his kingdom,
there was no such thing as "happily ever after!"
The blind followers learned the lesson for a lifetime.
To never again depend on anyone (except God) to change their fate.
They finally realised the atrocities of the king, but oops! It was too late!
No offence please, as it's just my imaginary tale!
However, if you believe this story to be true, then congratulations! You've reached that level where I made you!