Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay
Welcome to my world, pal, I’m your mate
light in weight and coloured in white
you put me on a desk and use to write
yes my dear I’m the paper bite.
you take me out from the sack
and try to scribble on my back
I’m so suffocated in the rack
set me free and please don't pack.
I’m so glad I get a paper pin
that holds my hair which’s very thin
soothing shades put on my chin
is so much fun on the evenin’.
but why so ever is this happenin’
you got homework that’s not my sin
you tear me out for your thin’
and throw me in the dustbin.
I was punished many a times
and badly crushed in your hands
you were wrong but I was blamed
and not even once I was spared
I got not a little care
and neither can complaint, this isn’t fair
you use me and throw me how you dare
yet helpless me should always bare
I really plead concern from you
we even bare the sticky glue
and that spooky pen of ink blue
but not your thing to make us sue
we are so plain and open to
all of you for the works you do
and reflect same as a mirror do
and so handy, anything for you
decorate me and take a look
put me safe inside a book
there is nothing to tell you more
but remember that I’m always pure.