Photo by cottonbro studio: pexels

Power does not stand in pride nor prestige is forever. It's a misconception that people having power can rule and commons are puppets who are ought to dance entertaining those in power. Irrespective of the domains and fields every branch of each sector has a head who has been enjoying the privilege of being the chief authority making profits out of the puppet shows. But wait, I wonder why the slogans like "With greater power comes the higher responsibilities" attract only papers but do not fascinate human minds. The sole meaning and the intense depth in the word power is about taking the charge of a whole group which may be a team, state, country, or anything else, and leading the people in it, from the front or back whatever. Power is neither just a privilege nor pride in society nor it is given just to flaunt.

Pride is the dangerous poison one can have where ego is it's friend. A person having pride, though, however, it comes. It completely changes the functioning of the brain which makes one so self-obsessed and self-centric. Again the controversy starts with the power being a reason which boasts a person. But the real controversy is that a person who has pride isn't fit to get into power and a person who gets into power showing pride in his power is never fit for it.

Power is to be maintained very humbly because it doesn't make anyone superior to someone but makes everyone more responsible. For instance, if there is a political leader who is in power having so much pride in his position or such does what? He thinks for himself and makes a business out of his power or corruption and many illegal things may be, but the real responsibility of that person is to stand alongside his people who have given him the power and support them with their needs and all, not only the person in power think in that way but to kill his pride even we must realise that the person in power is our weapon for us to serve us fulfill our requirements, it's for our welfare we make a so-called superior as he is eligible to guide us, lead us and stand with us to complete a job successfully. Yet, these dumb manners of people like the pride and superiority feeling with power make a false prestige without really fulfilling the job that has to be done under the power.

Coming to prestige, people started envying people in power or who are pretending to be superior, instead, people must admire the people who are really worthy of their power and profession which means a person possessing power must be responsible rather than arrogant or superior. And on the other hand, people too must put some effort to make themselves responsible and act according to their possession by reminding them and making them realise that they are for the people of the people and by the people. Not just the government but a democratic country must possess democracy in each and every domain i.e. being humble to co-fellows in the sector and instead of flaunting false prestige showing the down-to-earth nature of living with humanity in this mankind. 

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