Well, we are very familiar with the fact that a man’s life is of 100 years i.e. a century.
Then, what are these six decades about? The crucial years of a man’s life which play an important role in shaping the rest, counting to ten decades. So, let us jump in, to view what a man does in these six decades.
The first two decades of life is most joyous and playful phase where we can be the happy kid during the entire journey of these twenty years, in the childhood decade i.e. until we’re ten we will be taught many things by the elders and learn everything we see in and around the world. We will be loved and cared, and are given as many chances as we want to recorrect our mistakes since we are learning in this stage of life. Slowly we grow and grow with the kid still living in us as we enter the next decade of our life slowly leading to adolescence and this is when we start playing with our life as we feel being heroic in life is most important thing and get attracted to things which seem to be stylish and fashionable. In a desire to look modern and live a lavish life sometimes this might be the phase where most of us look at life in a wrong aspect and look at it in a completely different perspective which leads to the misunderstanding of the actual meaning of life. But the one who understands the true meaning of enjoyment, fun, play, chill and cool can be the emperor of his life only if he has the ability to control his emotions, thoughts and attractions, and this leads to a brighter future stronger health and a happy welcome to the next phase of life. The best part of this decade is that, it’s never too late to change, we can adapt things whenever we realise and correct our path while learning, because the impact of ourself on us is more than the societal impact in this stage which grants us an opportunity to welcome the change and recorrect things. It’s just a matter of analysing our situation, mitigating comparison and adapting the right culture leading to a better future.
Once we pass the first phase of the twenty year life we have come to a so called "adult stage" where we are ought to be matured, patient, intelligent, involving many other factors which when followed or inculcated declares us as an "Ideal individual". The societal impact in this phase of life plays a key role which actually comes into picture only in this age of a man but few smart people like us start comparing and looking at the society attracting towards useless cause in their early twenties. As I had stated in the first phase of life we can correct that mistake if we look at society in that manner cause that would be too early and never late to adapt change but at this stage where we are expected to be an ideal individual we must realise the fact that societal impact doesn’t mean comparing with others and copying their lifestyle but it means the dignity and honour of an individual in a society who should be respected for the place he stands in a society. So, by this stage if we realise this fact as early as possible it would be a great start of this phase as there is a lot of stress and responsibility that is to be carried in the near future. Let us go in detail, so the first decade of this stage is all about realising the actual purpose of our life in order to have a smooth journey as we just start off this phase from the age of twenty-one and until the end of this decade we just keep realising many things through different experiences. While we realise something before even we really get a clarity we enter the next decade of our life or the twenty-eight years of age i.e. near to the next decade. With the work pressure and stress on our head we get to enter into the most beautiful moment of a man’s life i.e. the marriage and, boom, now we have an extra responsibility on our heads which is like a two sides of a coin because the responsibilities are shared between two individuals and new responsibilities add up making either a win-win or a lose-lose situation depending on the amount of maturity we have and hence we justified that the societal impact doesn’t mean our lifestyle and doesn’t interfere in our lives, but plays a key role towards the respect and dignity of an individual.
This is the stage where there is a door for everyone to enter but one can leave the stress and pressure of the previous stage only if they mould their lifestyle and carry responsibilities responsibly, if not this phase will be the most chaotic and difficult phase of life our energy and skill demolishes with age. So as to get relief from the responsibilities we had in the previous phase of life though they last for a lifetime we can just minimise the burden of those responsibilities and get into the room of retirement in order to just relieve ourselves and enjoy things happening around. In order to enjoy such a living, at the start of this phase i.e. forty-fifty decade one must plan for his retirement by finishing the pre-retirement work so that one can peacefully get relieved from his responsibilities and enter into the early sixties which brings us many medicinal friends and doctor appointments which requires a regular check and an intake of daily dosage.
And thus we are now only left with those medicines and memories, can call then M&M’s sweetly and this stage is long-lasting yet the last stage of life as we never know when are we going to get a call from above, so after all this, we need a little-lot time to enjoy and watch things happen without any stress and tension which rather depends on the start of our journey from the first stage and hence it is necessary for us to be cautious and planned for every stage of life following the real customs and true traditions -
"Living like an ideal individual and leaving as a legend".