Photo by Rakicevic Nenad: pexels

Human beings are the same yet different. Most people in this world wanted to be successful and we always measure our success with our bank balance, property, status and even when we achieve everything we compare ourselves with others and again feel dissatisfied.

I have a difference in opinion in terms of being successful, which everyone achieves though they are unaware of their success.

Today many youngsters are committing suicide and the reasons are many monetary pressure, family pressure, not getting work in the desired area or getting low marks than expected, some even commit suicide without stating any reason. People are using the word depression so normally that it has become a fashion for people to say that they have suffered from depression or are suffering from depression but, “Are these problems new?" These problems are not new and have existed from the very start but today we have started giving them more value than our life and end our own life instead of facing the problems.

When I see films, read books or listen to people's stories what I found is that there are so many people who go through so many difficulties in life but they make it to the end. We can say every person on this earth suffers from problems and we can't measure and say whose problem is bigger than the other.

A child who fails an exam suffers mentally a lot, maybe for us who have passed from that stage, it is a small problem and we even make fun of that child but for him or her it can be as similar as failing in an interview.

Life is an amalgamation of happiness and sadness, problems and solutions. We cannot have a life without any problem. Even children of successful parents who are famous and rich suffer from problems. People have higher expectations of them and their failure make a louder noise than others.

A princess in a castle too suffers when she did not have a freedom to choose, when she has to do what is told because she has the weight of her family’s honour on her shoulders. She has to become an ideal women to set an example for others when she herself do not believe in such concepts. If a girl gives up her dreams to cook for her family, a boy too gives up his dreams to earn for his family. We all are suffering, we all are fighting thousand battles everyday, when a close one betrays us, when someone rejects us, when someone judges us but what is important is how we are responding to those sufferings.

Our society has made several criteria and we think to be successful we have to fulfil those criteria, but is it really necessary to fulfil those criteria, even when we are doing something for our family that is making them happy or doing something which is making us happy, though we are not famous, not a millionaire or not independent. I think no one is independent, we cannot live without being dependent on others because it is the rule of nature that we all are connected to each other and we need each other to survive and so if we are able to accept that we are dependent on others we will feel more strong than when we say we are independent. The biggest problem of our society is to find out what is right and wrong but sometimes between black and white we have to choose, it is not necessary that the black part is always wrong and the white part is always right sometimes there is not even any wrong. We have made our own lives so much complicated that we feel claustrophobic in our visions. We have created a concept of an age and started giving it so much importance that we plan our whole life according to our age, we have made ourselves slave to these numbers and even when we are fit at the age of sixty we think, "How can it be possible that I am free from any lifestyle disease?”. As we age till twenty five we feel happy to age as we call it a young age but when we cross thirty we start feeling depressed moving towards sixty as we call it old age and it means to get retired, to be at home and a generation of no use. There are many examples who proved that age is just a number by doing what they love, by starting something new even when people call them they are in the end phase of their life but they keep on moving and free themselves for the master called 'age’.

We have enslaved ourselves to fashion we think to not to move according to fashion is a crime, some feel they are unsuccessful, if they are not moving with the fashion. "Why do we consider one thing superior over the other?”, "Why can't we do things which makes us happy?”, "Does a person is undisciplined if he or she not follows the same routine everyday?”, "Why does a person who is different is either considered fully wrong or an ideal, why can’t the different one be a normal human being?”

Taking our own life is not easy, but it is easy than living our life because it is easy to end anything than to continue our journey by overcoming one problem after another without any guarantee of not getting any further is an art and for me one who completes that art no matter with what crayons, pencil colours, water colours, fabric colours or only with a pencil but makes it till the end is successful and to feel that success we have to understand life, feel satisfied, stop comparing ourselves to others keep patience and persevere so that even till the end we feel blessed to be alive and feel proud to make it till the end.

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