Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
It said that if you see your own doppelganger, your death is imminent. But if your death is imminent, why are there Facebook groups with almost a million people that are looking for their own doppelgangers? But before we get into all of that, I want to tell you the story of Emilie Sagee and how her doppelganger got her fired 19 times. Because I think it’s a really example for doppelgangers and the effects they can have on you.
So we’re going back to Latvia in 1845 to a boarding school called Pensionnat of Neuwelcke. The school was small only having 42 girls, But the girls were from noble families so maybe it was small for a reason either way. Emilie was a 32-year-old, blond-haired blue blue-eyed teacher who was described as having a mild temper and being a little bit anxious. The girls referred to it, kind of being like nervously excitable. So not like having an anxiety disorder or anything.
Not long after she started at the school, the rumour mill started. Some girls would claim to see her on one side of the school, While others would swear they just walked by her. Any time people talked about her, there was always been some confusion because someone else had just seen her on the totally opposite side of the campus at the same time. But how could she be in all of these places at once? The teachers that heard these rumours told the girls that they should be focused on their studies and not on any of this nonsense. But no one listens to their teachers, Especially when it comes to gossip. So the stories continued.
Girls would say that they saw a second Emilie standing behind the first at the dinner table. The ghostly one would be standing there, mimicking the actions of eating. But when Emilie would stand up from her chair, her double would still be sitting in the chair. Somehow, Emilie never seemed to notice what was happening. She’s just completely oblivious to this ghostly figure of her and that was right there.
One afternoon at the start of class, there were 13 students in class, and Emilie’s double appeared right beside her while she was writing on the chalkboard. The double mirrored her movements exactly. But it didn’t have any chalk, so it wasn’t really writing on the chalkboard. All of the students looked at one another, looking for confirmation that if they were all seeing the same thing, and they were. But no one said anything. They all kept their mouth shut and didn’t say anything to Emilie.
During the winter, When Emily came down with the flu. One of the girls had gone to her room to read to her just to get her spirits up. Well, all of a sudden, Emilie, who’s just lying in bed, suddenly became stiff, pale, and she looked really dazed. The girl asked her, If she was feeling worse, but she said, no, “I’m feeling the same.” When the girl looked to her left, she noticed Emilie’s double was pacing back and forth in the room. But the real Emilie didn’t notice it. The other one was pacing like she didn’t even notice it was there.
The final straw for the school happened in the spring of 1846, only about a year after Emilie had started teaching at the boarding school. All 42 students were gathered in one large room to practice their embroidery. Through the glass doors, they could see Emilie outside in the garden, picking flowers. The embroidery teacher would occasionally get up from the chair and leave the room. But in her place, Emilie’s double would show up in the chair, Just sitting there, weirding out. They would look outside and see Emilie picking flowers, then look back at the chair, and there’s Emilie sitting there. So they did notice that whenever Emilie’s double would appear in the classroom chair, the one outside would slow down.
Like she was just exhausted and couldn’t pick flowers. I mean, picking flowers isn’t hard, but when you look exhausted, picking flowers, it’s noticeable. So two girls decided to be really brave and approach Emilie sitting in the teacher’s chair. They touched the figure, and the feeling they described was like the fabric of fine muslin. Not knowing what to do and not getting any reaction from the figure. The girl sat back down and continued to just look at each other. Eventually, the figure disappeared and Emilie got back the pep in her step. So when the girls finally asked Emilie about the incident, her only comment was that, yeah I too noticed.
The teacher had left the girls unsupervised and hoped that the girls didn’t get in any trouble. But other than that, she had no memory of what happened other than picking flowers. She didn’t even remember being that exhausted. But soon the girl’s parents heard of the two Emilies and started to grow concerned. They didn’t want to leave their children there at the school after hearing about these weird occurrences. Letting their kids in the care of Emilie was a bit creepy. The directors loved Emilie and thought she was a wonderful teacher and she didn’t deserve to be fired or something that was totally out of her control.
So they kept her on even when the parents started complaining. But when the attendance at the school fell from 42 girls to 12, the directors had no other choice than to let Emilie go. When they spoke with her, she was very upset. She disclosed that she’d worked at 18 different schools who all praised her teaching. They loved her, but they let her go for some unknown reason. So saddened, she left the boarding school and she ended up moving out with her sister in law, her nieces and nephews.
Now, her nieces and nephews were really young and they called her auntie. But Emilie’s double continued to appear at random and the kids would explain that there were two Aunt Emilie’s. I guess it started to upset her sister-in-law. By this one Emilie ended up moving to Russia and was never heard from again.
So that story about Emilie. May or may not have happened. Some people have tried to look for the evidence. They can’t find the boarding school, but it is written down in a book. And like the early 1900s and in this book, the guy who wrote it says that one of the students is actually the person who told him the story. Well, there’s just a lot of unknowns about this story because this is in French novel. So there is a lot of confusion in translation. And that could explain why we can’t find any records of an Emily being born, But also if she was born out of wedlock at the time, She may not have been recorded as being born. But the story is still regarding Emilie and she’s not able to see the doppelganger that everyone else can see. So why is that? Why can’t she see it?
Usually, if you see your own doppelganger, it’s a sign of imminent death. But what about if someone sees your doppelganger? But you don’t? What does that mean? Well, it could mean a couple of different things. So I want to talk about some of the superstitions regarding doppelgangers. And I think ee can all get together and figure out exactly how we feel about what a doppelganger could be. Now, keep in mind there’s about a million people on Facebook eho are looking for their doppelgangers. So are they going to die? All right. Let’s get to the superstitions.
So the first one, seeing your doppelganger is an omen of death. Like we’ve been saying, If you see your own ghostly apparition, then you better get ready for some final destination. There are a couple of famous rulers who have seen their doppelgangers, so we’ve got people like Abraham Lincoln who saw his own doppelganger when he was laying on the couch. One day, looked in a mirror and he saw his reflection, But also a second reflection of him looking gaunt and just pale and sickly. Well, he closed his eyes a little while later, he opened his eyes, looked in the mirror again, and that same ghostly figure was still there in the mirror when he looked in the mirror. So he told his wife, Mary. Mary said, “that’s a sign that you were going to die. Well, the night he had seen this apparition in the mirror was the night of his first election term. Well, his wife, for some reason, had said that it’s going to be a sign of sickness during the second term. But Lincoln got assassinated in his second term. So was seeing his doppelganger a sign that he was going to die? Was Mary right? We don’t know.
Another one. Catherine the Great. She’s Russia’s famous empress. She claimed to see her doppelganger sitting on her throne and freaked out, Ordered her guards to fire at her. But nothing seemed to happen to the apparition sitting in her throne. After a couple of months later, She was dead. And then we have Queen Elizabeth, the first. She also saw her own image. When Queen Elizabeth walked into her bedroom and she saw herself lying on her bed, looking sickly, gone and pale. After a couple of months later, Queen Elizabeth passed. So is there any real evidence that seeing the doppelganger is what caused this? No, But correlation. There are correlations that if you see your ghostly figure, you could be dead in a few months or not too long. But again, superstitions.
Another one is that your doppelganger gives you malicious advice. So you’re not only getting warned about your own death, but they can give you bad advice which interferes with your day to day life. Makes things a little bit harder for you. And it’s kind of like having an evil twin who just want to cause you harm, wants to screw things up for you. It tries to put you down the wrong path.
And another superstition is that person will become sick. Not you, but those, who actually saw the doppelganger. So if we’re talking about things in Emily’s story, everyone but Emily saw her doppelganger even when she had the flu. So what does that say about Emily? Was she just sick, like mentally sick? I mean, everyone seemed to say, Yeah, she’s just a little bit nervous, But everyone loved her. So if she wasn’t really sick, Unless it’s like some kind of cancer tumour that she had that no one knew about because it’s 1845. And if it’s not glaringly obvious they didn’t know about it. So who was the sick one in Emily’s story and who was getting sick? Because no one seemed to have any ill effects other than the parents and the kids being freaked out from seeing Emily’s doppelganger. But Emily, when the doppelganger appeared, seemed sick. She seemed exhausted and pale and dazed and just out of it. So is your doppelganger taking your energy? I don’t know.
Number four is that your doppelganger is a ghostly apparition from a past life. Now, this comes from the ideas in Norse mythology, and it’s called a dagger for Dozier. It’s kind of like an incident of déjà vu, Except it’s the opposite. When you see your doppelganger, it’s you’re going to get notified by seeing something, hearing something, smelling something before the person arrives. What triggers the real life person’s arrival is seeing that doppelganger. Whereas Deja vu is a feeling of been here before as you’re doing it. Something seems really familiar, But the doppelganger is more of like something coming before to announce the arrival of something. So it could be that it’s someone from your past lives as well as that could just be when your timelines are coming together in multiverse or time travel. I know. I probably sound like a lunatic here, But again, I am sharing my thoughts about doppelgangers, So I’m not the only lunatic here.
If you were to come back and somehow send a message to your past self, because you’re trying to warn yourself about something. Something bad is coming and you’re trying to get in touch with yourself about it. That could explain why people are seeing their doppelgangers before they die because someone in the past knows what’s going to happen or in the future is coming back from the past, So they’re coming back to the past from the future to tell you what’s going to happen in your future and giving you a warning. But because it’s time travel, they don’t communicate very well with us. So maybe this is the best that they can do is just appear and give us that sickly look and say, Hey, this will be you soon. I don’t know.
Here we move on to things like Egyptian mythology. In Egyptian mythology, your doppelganger is a spiritual double. It is basically a spirituality that lives inside of you. It’s a ghostly self within yourself. As long as is ghostly self has a body to live in, it’s happy. It’s not going anywhere. That’s why the Egyptians would mummify. People would be to preserve the body. So that’s the spiritual double would have a place to live once the original host died. Host, that sounds just really weird, But yeah, so everything that you do, your spiritual double experiences it. But when your physical body dies, the spiritual double lives on. As long as it has a place to live, when it doesn’t have a place to live, you end up losing your chance at eternal life in Egyptian mythology. So that’s why they want to preserve the bodies.
But then there’s going back to time travel. The superstition that your doppelganger is a sign from an alternate universe. So like I was saying, with the time travel and coming back from the future to warn yourself about something that’s coming. It could be that there are two timelines that are lining up and are just so perfectly aligned that they’re slightly crossing over and you’re seeing smithereens of the other one. So it could be something like that. I mean, if you think about it, There’s the possibility of so many different universes and different timelines. Every decision that we create creates a new timeline of two different ways or however many options there were. In every timeline you chose a different option. In some timelines, you ended up at that same position from a previous different decision, and you made the same decision that you made. So now your timelines are kind of on top of each other and they’re running in the same direction. And so are they crossing over or are they kind of trying to merge and come together? Not really sure.
So if we have all of these different superstitions for what a doppelganger is and where they came from and I mean, we’re going back to German mythology for the word doppelganger. We’re going back to Egyptian mythology, and then we’re going back to Norse mythology. We’ve got a lot of these old theories. According to theories doppelgangers have been around for a long time. There’s got to be something to them because we still can’t explain them. A lot of the spiritual sciences that are from the past just something as simple as astrology and gods of the corn. We can explain that through science now. We can explain why they believed that there was a God of the Sun and you had to sacrifice someone to make the sun rise again because they didn’t know there was a guarantee that the sun would rise because they didn’t know the earth was round. And we go around the sun.
A lot of the things science has been explained. But the paranormal stuff that we talk about and that we see, is science that hasn’t been explained yet. We still can’t figure out if there is a human soul, let alone how that soul would travel between time. Does it transverse time? What happened to that soul?What happens to our consciousness? So many things that we can’t yet prove. So there are so many different theories on what these things could be. The scientific research
That came out in August of 2022 in the Journal of Cell Reports came out with an article that says lookalike humans identified by facial recognition Algorithms show genetic similarities. So they took 40 different sets of lookalikes and they observed those people and did genetic testing on them. They recorded information about where they lived, how they talked, all their different traits, what they liked, what they didn’t like. What they found was that there was a lot of similarities between people who looked alike. It wasn’t just that they looked like there were genetic similarities as well. It was more similar than twins in some situations and then in others. In one case of the look alike, they came from the same descendant, they had an ancestor who was the same and that’s why they had a lot of genetic similarities. So this one was ruled out as one pair. All the rest of them, they couldn’t figure out how they were so similar.
My thoughts on this are we have billions of people on this earth and genetics is kind of like a lottery. You find a partner, your chromosomes come together, your DNA comes together, and you make a new human. Totally simplified, but just bear with me, when you’re making a new human, that new human has a chance at any combination of the dominant or recessive genes that are in those two sets of DNA. Depending on the dominant and recessive genes in the man and the woman, that really depends on what comes out as a child. So there’s just so many different combinations of genes that could come out. If you have all of these combinations of genes, What does that say? Like, how many chances do you really have before you start having duplicates. For example, there’s a handful of genes in person X and a handful of genes of person Y that are the same and that causes them to look alike and do things similarly. I don’t know. But I really do think it’s just a game of chance when it comes to people looking alike and being similar genetically and based on genetics.
Is that there are millions of people on Facebook looking for doppelgangers, looking for their twin. Now, if we go back to some of the superstitions, We have a lot of the superstitions that our talking about giving bad advice, not doing the right things, wanting to be your evil twin. So if you were to go and meet your doppelganger, that brings the question, which one is the lookalike and which one is the original? Would it be based on date of birth, time of birth? I mean, who was here first? Because then would the doppelganger be the copy? I’m really not sure about this. It is because how do you figure out which one of you is the doppelganger? Which one of you is actually? Like I said, the copy versus the original. I have no idea.