Cricket in India, is not just a sports but a religion. Every day we hear cricket matches at domestic and international level getting either delayed or washed out due to rain and bad light.
This whole startup idea is based on three points. Rains, Bad Light and Dew Factor.
For rains, the problem can be resolved if a special type cloth material is used to cover the entire ground. The cloth material should be such that whenever rain falls on the surface of the material, the water should get soaked up completely without a drop of water falling on the ground. The ground remains bone dry when the covers are removed and play is resumed immediately.
Usually most of the ground is round in shape. When it rains, the first thing that needs to be covered is the pitch. This special cover will be very handy.
After that the ground will have to be covered in such a way that the whole ground is covered. This special cloth material which will be used as a cover should cover the ground in such a way that one fourth ground is covered from all sides which means the whole ground gets covered. The material used for this special type of cover should be preferably very light in nature.
With regards to the bad light issue is concerned, special type of lights can be used which is equivalent to sunlight so that cricket ball can be visible easily.
Like the ground cover material, this special type of lights also needs some research so that exact type of lights are made available and matches are not stopped due to bad light.
There is one more aspect in cricket and that is the Dew factor. Dew factor is one aspect of the game which gives unfair advantage to the side batting second. Many times the contest becomes one sided because of the dew factor. The same cloth cover material in napkin form can be used so that when the Ball becomes wet this napkin when used the ball becomes bone dry. The side batting second does not get unfair advantage.