Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

I am not a good poet
But I love reading good poems
Also writing a few, bad ones mostly!
And what is good art?
It talks to you
Holds your hand when times are bad
Lights up the path when darkness eats up the day
Tucks you to sleep,
Makes you laugh, cry and think
Asks you questions which we forget to ask ourselves
Recites stories of pain and love
Anthems on war and deaths
Songs of peace and sisterhood
A good art is like a friend, lover and a family!
It stays with you for a lifetime
And if I speak of myself!
My poems talk about me
What do you expect me to write other than 'myself' !
The only case, I put forth in defence
I think and breathe
Love and read
Good poems and confessional ones
So when you read my poems
You are reading me!
And I will definitely meet you between the lines
My poems are often
A cluster of ideas
On life and hope
Love and longing!
Blurred nightmares or just catharsis
Or revenge on society and people
And customs and labels
With the borrowed vocabulary from my last read
My pain in a few lines
Not doing justice!
Neither to my pain
Nor good poems
So when you read
A good poem,
Know, that it was thought about, for a long time
A poet has put their sole resource "love"
Inside it without any demands
And allow me to add,
Each emotion is a poetry
Putting these emotions into something as mere as words, canvas and art works
Then announcing an exhibition of it
For people to judge and mock
Or praise and pass by!
Is not that easy.
I am not a very good poet
Nor is this a very good poem
Just one more of my confessions!
But I am one of those
Who love looking at good art
A good book, paragraph or a couplet!
A painting,
Which comes to reality on facing it
A calligraphy,
Which makes you move your fingers over them
Good pottery
Which appeals attention
Beautiful wild and wildings
Who roam carefree
Or just the good old moon
Yawning at midnight
I am one of those
Who would stop and stare
And then stare some more
To get it imprinted it on my heart
I am one of those
Who would get inspired
Who turns around to catch one more glance of it
And wish good for the art
And the artist.

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