Open your ocean deep calm heart once again
I need to rest my tired head
Do not allow me exit
I wish a stay forever
I need some rest
This time For the last time
O eternity-merciful beyond measures
Pardon my sins
Redeem me wash me in thy light
Take my soul out
The contamination the pollution the congestion
My black blood writes the witchcraft of immense fearful tales
I galloped into thousands of nightly escapes
With many colorful boundless companions
My red hot blood and cheeky breast
Never on rest
Made my soul a funeral burial compost
Dead on values- valueless is my death
Now that my sear eyes bear this pain
O giver of life to life through death
Liberate my limbs
From this custody of crimes
Redeem my ribs that shiver in burning pyres
My sins shall pay its last rites into the bonfires of life and death
Every soul in the cycle
Shall taste the fruits of its fame and so of its shame
No mercy has ever been shown by time
The mortar and the pestle has forever given Wine to the grape bearers and bitter liquor to the gourd owners.......