Ever since the British left India 76 years ago, it has come a long way. The problems did not end in 1947 as the struggles had just begun. That too a completely new set of struggles, the struggle of mending the wounds of the country, the struggle of mending the hearts of the people grieving their close ones, the struggle of restarting life, the struggle of getting India together and running the country. Independence was not followed by happiness and celebrations as people in their own country were living like aliens in various rescue centers due to the partition. India was just struggling to fight an external force that is the Britishers and now all of a sudden Indians were fighting against other Indians, there were brutal incidents of murders, kidnapping lynching, and whatnot. India, once known as the “Sone ki Chidiya” or the “Golden bird” was not only looted of all the gold and resources it had but also the golden mindset and values of the people in the sense that, the country where everyone lived together with love was now fighting with each other on the basis of religion which was triggered by the Britishers by partitioning Bengal. It is sad to see how the Britishers won even after leaving the country, even today, they would be sitting and watching India and Pakistan fight in their living rooms and thinking about the “impact” they created before leaving for a lifetime of entertainment and 76 years later it is still true.
It was not an easy phase for India after independence as it was followed by so many wars like the Indo-Chinese war and India-Pakistan wars not to forget the "Dangerous Decade" of the 1960s. Through all the thicks and thins that India has been through, it has achieved a lot and made a name in the world. People today respect India for what it has achieved but why is it still a developing country? Weren't 76 years enough for a country to develop? Today when we have landed on the moon with the project Chandrayaan 3 that too within a budget that is less than a mere movie's budget why can't the smallest of problems like potholes on roads, working street lights, poverty, pollution, corruption, at least strict punishments for severe crimes or garbage management be solved? Small countries like Japan built themselves from level 0 after atomic bomb attacks, a country like the USA which was a superpower lost a war to a small country like Vietnam because they did not give up and what are we doing? If we just think for a minute, today we would have been a lot ahead but one of the factors that holds us back is “Brain Drain”. Does anyone think why the smartest minds just want to leave this country and go away? Why is it a dream for every student to graduate from foreign universities and settle in the USA and Europe? The number of Indians NASA has can form a mini ISRO, the number of Indians living in the USA and UK is more than the population of some countries. So why are our own people so keen on contributing to the economy of other countries rather than their own? If India did not have a population of a billion then with the rate of people leaving the country we would have been one of the poorest economies in the world or like an “Overdeveloped” Japan, which is facing such a low population issue, we would be promoting population growth.
India is highly regarded for its values and traditions that everyone respects but it has too many loopholes in every system that does not let it grow. We are in a position where even after landing on the moon the British reporters are making fun of this achievement, calling it a “Fake Moon” landing and asking us to return the "Aid" that they have given us with so much audacity even after knowing that they are being ruled by an Indian, Mr. Rishi Sunak but why are we not fighting with them for each and every penny (trillions) that they looted from us. If someone asks me what Britain has done after the period of colonization, I have no idea. The only thing I would be able to say is they made a Netflix series on their royal family where the Queen without any shame owns a crown with the looted diamond that belongs to us and now Brexit, apart from this I don't know of any other achievements by their country but still they act like a bully to India over and over again and we fall prey to it.
There are various sectors that have helped India make its name in the world like sports, culture, science and research (including ISRO), the entertainment industry, and our leaders but our country needs to grow as a whole not just in some sectors. Our country must work towards achieving the greater goal, containing major problems, discouraging Brain Drain, working on problems at the grassroots levels, setting targets, and growing in such a way that those who leave the country should desperately return to live in their own country. There is no point in teaching kids about colonialism in every grade. The history of India should not only make Indians think about how vulnerable India was or how much it suffered but it should highlight more about how India made a comeback and what it has achieved. The main aim of the country must be to become a "Developed country", to keep making history, to raise children who are proud to be living in this country and tell them that going to another country is not an achievement, to mend the education system in such a way that students from all over the world come here, to rise up to the level of the former superpowers, to show Britain and the whole world that we are above the “grief” and acquire everything we deserve.