We very often hear our grandparents or at times our parents and other elders reminiscing their memories most of which were playing around with nature, in the nature; from hide and seek to, racing against each other they have done it all. But, is playing outdoors only about recreation and pleasure? Certainly No! Does playing outside have any health associations? Certainly Yes! Or else why do doctors urge children to step out of their houses at the first chance? Because being physically active helps your mind, body, and soul to be healthy and hearty! One of the major reasons our elders remain much more able, physically than us despite being older.
Yet, is this the only problem the present generation is dealing with? The answer is No because kids these days not only refrain from stepping out to play but rather stick to their couch either with a smartphone or a laptop or television or video games, etc. and this has adversely affected their health. Nowadays no illness is restricted by age, definitely 'Age is just a number '. With more days progressing kids are overdoing the maximum screen time which is affecting not only their eyesight but also other their brain, heart, and other organs. They begin to succumb to varied diseases from a very early age and this has left doctors thinking really hard.
But who is to be blamed? The children? The parents? In my opinion none of the two, rather the present situation. Children are drowning under the academic pressure which has grounded them from hitting the grounds now and then. Also, various buildings (housing complexes, cinema halls, malls, industrial construction, etc.) and educational institutes are using up the grounds for accommodation. Schools and complexes hardly have any provisions for children to play, especially in the major areas of metropolitan cities. And amidst all of these prevailing issues, the introduction of numerous eye-catching games streaming on several electronic devices be it simple mobile apps or play stations or online gaming, etc. was just the cherry on the icing. These have almost latched children to their sofas and beds, inhibiting all kinds of progress required for them during their growing years. And as a result, they get very easily addicted, an addiction very difficult to get rid of.
But where lies the solution? It is always easy to come up with a problem yet difficult to get an appreciable solution. Imagine a very basic somewhat daily situation: a ten-year-old comes home after finishing up with his school hours at times tuition too, he is tired and exhausted but it is already dark outside, then for relaxation and fun what are the options is he left with? Certainly watching television or playing on the mobile! And even if they are prevented from availing of those then what remains for a child to hence do? Well, here we answer this question, agreeably. As mentioned earlier these addictions are quite hard to get rid of but surely not impossible. In this article, we will provide you with Seven Wonders which will help not only to reduce their screen time but also aid them in ample ways keeping intact their amusement and interest.
Jigsaw Puzzle
Image by Vlad Vasnetsov from Pixabay
Puzzles have been a favorite pass time for people of all ages from time immemorial, whether it is the maze puzzle or the crossword. Undoubtedly, all puzzles are engaging and educative but I have a bias toward jigsaw puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles can be said to have an immense impact on your kid's mind. Though at a glance it might appear to be providing no direct aid to a child's academics or health, but a deeper understanding of its features will definitely build its importance in their lives.
Jigsaw Puzzles require a good amount of patience and concentration to keep progressing which will help a child to increase her focus, keep away from distractions and restlessness, and remain calm during times of stress, things that can be achieved by meditation. Now, had you told your kid to perform a five minutes meditation on a daily basis, how much would it have been fruitful? Not much, Right? But with Jigsaw Puzzles the scenario is different since along with these values Jigsaw Puzzles very successfully retain their excitement and fun quotient which is why getting your child engaged in it would never be a hard task.
Jigsaw Puzzles are very budget-friendly and provide you with a wide range of options, both in the number of pieces and the puzzle image alike. The price is directly proportional to the number of pieces. You can always start with the minimum number of pieces and gradually move upwards.
Optical devices
Image by Leeanne Burnworth from Pixabay
A visual treat is always a welcoming pleasure. And optical devices give a bang on when visual pleasure is concerned. Collectively known as optical devices or optical instruments these consist of four to five of the most beautiful and interesting items such as Kaleidoscopes, periscopes, Binoculars, telescopes, etc. You must be wondering how these can be given to a child to utilize. But yes you can, for optical devices have emerged with two versions, one, obviously the original and the ones for practical uses, and secondly a replica collection designed especially for children. But if you are looking for an opinion then among all Kaleidoscope is the best (I gifted it to my sister and she absolutely loved it).
Getting your kids to get habituated to optical instruments can directly help in their academics. Optical devices are an interesting way to introduce the different types of lens and their usage to your kids. Also, a telescope can help with looking at the universe at special events and much more. Rather than just looking at the black printed words and diagrams on the white pages it is always more appealing for a kid to learn about them practically, using them every day.
Some of the optical devices are quite expensive but don't you worry there are pocket-friendly versions as well they might not have all fancy features but will very well serve the purpose. For instance, the Teleidoscope a variation of the Kaleidoscope has few differences in the features but the price disparity is noteworthy, so those who can afford can easily opt for Teleidoscope, and for others, you have the Kaleidoscope. But always remember getting your kid an expensive optical device is always better than an expensive gaming apparatus.
Building Apparatuses
Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
It is never necessary to have to learn everything in an authoritative and grumpy manner. Sometimes one can learn something in a fun playful way too, and trust me the effectiveness remains the same. Build-up games have always had our hearts whether it is the basic blocks-and-bricks or the more acute and leveled-up versions. Many of the toy brands do have an exclusive section of the same. Zephyr Mechanix or Hamleys have a greedy collection of this dismantled motorized machinery. And the best benefit becomes that with the given pieces the formation restricts never to only one but many, directly proportional to the player's sense of creativity.
We are all aware of how important developing motor skills are. And this construction activity is one of the best ways to do so. These games pose a challenge to children helping to push their limits more and more to bring out something new every time. Improving your brain skills will ultimately help your kid in her academic life and in various other phases of life. Also on a primary level, they get to know a lot about the part of different machinery, their uses, etc. Once again along with all of these advantages it remains needless to say that as toys they are super cool, exciting, and fun to get involved with.
Building apparatuses may sound expensive with all those fancy terms but trust me they range from a very reasonable price and of course there are also the pricy ones. Just like the above two with more pieces and features more is the price. But even the basic ones have a lot, and the designs are very attractive. Your kid is sure to love it.
Board Games
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
The most cost-effective way kids can spend their leisure is definitely board games. The moment we hear board games what not comes to our mind? Beginning from the easy breezy ones like Ludo, snakes, and ladders, and monopoly to more brain-storming ones like chess, Scotland Yard, etc. all of these are saturated with fun and merriment. It is much more relaxing after a hectic day at the office or school. Moreover, there are wide options of required players ranging from two to five to even ten at times so one does not need a lot of people, and if others arrive they will not be left out.
It is true each board game has its special contribution toward a person's well-being but undeniably all board games inculcate a sense of sportsmanship and an understanding of group work in some cases along with providing amusement, fun, and relaxation. While dealing with life in the real sense of the term (which is very different than bookish knowledge) these are a few of the major qualities that will come helpful. With board games you can hardly even imagine getting bored, time just flies away!
Board Games are the most affordable of all. There is an infinite variety of board games and the best part remains that they have no restriction of age. While all board games can be played by people of all ages yet there are board games curated according to age limits. They can be availed either singly or more amazingly in packs of ten or twelve at reasonable pricing, much too affordable, isn't it?
DIY Activities
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
Do-it-Yourself commonly abbreviated as DIY is the best option if you are finding ways to develop your kids creatively. DIY has hundreds of easy, fun-filled, pocket-friendly options like origami, jewelry making, clay art, resin art, etc. In many DIYs, you are given the formations to be formed but for others, you can always refer to the internet and guide your child through. I love those DIYs which require the use of discarded items of the household, not only because it is costless but also because it gives you a platform to be more innovative.
DIYs to a certain extent promote the idea of learning how to help oneself. It is through DIYs that children perceive the concept of reusing things, making useful items from all the waste stuff. It helps them to challenge their curiosity and become more creative along with becoming more independent. Moreover, DIYs can be either done single-handedly or even can be performed collectively so whether it is a weekday evening plan or a Sunday afternoon plan DIYs are always handy.
DIYs are just your thing if you are looking for amusement at affordable prices. Because they are not only free of cost or minimal cost but also can be used as gifting items, whether clay art, resin art or anything else. And all of us know how much worthy handicrafts are. Once your children get to comprehend the importance of hand-made gifts and begin to be appreciated for their efforts from then on there is no looking back.
Word Games
There is nothing more engaging and involving than word games be it wordplay or word search or anything else. This is a basic advice I almost give out to every new mother; rather than letting your child feast their eyes on a mobile or anything like during their meals you can always engage them in wordplay – the very basic (you spell out a word and ask him to find a word with the end letter of your word) while you feed them. In other instances, you can hand them a word search puzzle for them to solve. Word games honestly are almost like age-old traditions.
Word games benefit your kid in more than one way. It unknowingly increases your child's vocabulary because every time he finds a new word automatically he notices the spelling and meaning of the word. Moreover in wordplay after a while, you get exhausted with the common words, and then you have to really ransack your brain for desired words ultimately a time comes when you have to refer to the dictionary and in the process, she gets to learn new words in a fun manner. Had you told her to read the dictionary or given a set of words to memorize, would it have yielded the same fruit?
While Word Play is penniless Word Search puzzle hardly costs you anything. They are the best trade ever. Along with having a better glossary your kid will have a faster and better speech ability also she will learn the importance of spending family time. Personally, word games are a must during the early growth years of every child.
Map quiz
One more immemorial activity for kids is Map Quiz, colloquially known as Map Pointing. Beginning from my parents’ childhood to my niece’s childhood Map Pointing still trends quite well. And we have to admit that indeed this game is much important and required for children during their school lives. And all of this can be done in return for just an Atlas or at times a Globe. And to make it more interesting you can allot prizes as well. This does not necessarily have to be done only for your kids, you can use this as a game for children at any such gathering at your place.
The benefits of the Map quiz need not be stated for it is very well known to all. Yes, it gives a child an idea of the world – the different places, their situations, the borders shared, and much more. And gaining this knowledge from an early age is sure to help them during the Map Pointing sessions in Geography classes. Yes, it is true that they could have learned it in an authoritative manner but why coerce them to learn something when it can easily be done light-heartedly?
It is needless to mention that the entire game needs only an Atlas or a Globe. Both of these are not only easily available but also available at very affordable prices. If you plan to arrange to include this game during a party only then will you require a big Globe or else an Atlas is effective enough.
These are the most common and easily doable ideas but definitely, there is more to the list. One thing that needs to be remembered is playing outdoors should always be the first preference at every chance received. We do not advise anyone to keep away from engaging with nature and opt for these options, rather these are alternatives for reducing your child's screen involvement. Because after all, nothing stands to compete against the fresh air, the bright sunlight, the beautiful blue open sky, etc. Can it?