Photo by lil artsy: pexels

The hour of that night was misty and bleak
and the lamp lights glowed quite too weak
the drenched sparkly roads slithery.
The barren bridge lay much in quietude alike,
till came two lads, hair soaked, riding a bike
Whooshed by, hollering in ecstasy.

Yet the euphoria retained not for too long
for the youths soon realized their wrong
as the wheels in a frenzy
hurled them out and screeched all through
and, more and more into death both drew
as the earth bloodied gently.

As his birthday lapsed on the clock
an impatient mum awaited his knock
but then there he was gasping.
“Do Drive with care, my beloved son
For you have a mother at to return”
his mom’s plea kept echoing.

The tap came but she opened to a cop
and his words of evil made her to drop
on the floor, stunned.
Informed was she of an incident –
Her son succumbed to an accident.
Her world was burned.

His demise was her ultimate suffering
which he could witness but do nothing
for now he was just a ghost
She’d retired in a room without even a ray.
He tried hard to help but all slipped away.
He was dying again almost.

Alas! For that ill-fated day had arrived.
She staggered in, all essentials deprived.
As soon as entered,
she ceaselessly pleaded in loud cries to
unite with him without any further ado
as he was interred.

And at last, he knelt to the Almighty
begging for his life back helplessly,
to alleviate his mom’s pain.
Yet never can Death be ever undone;
but when embraced for reckless fun
retribution became his gain.

“No mercy shalt be on thee,” said HE
“Thy mother shalt be in such agony
forever, ‘cause of thou.
For thou never once obeyed her
Hence thee shalt be her punisher
A damnation for thou.

.    .    .
