Photo by Farrinni on Unsplash

In the hush of the world, we've slowly grown apart,
No emails exchanged, no texts from the heart.
I let time slip by, didn't reach out, it's true,
But, my dear friend, know this: I still need you.

Life's currents carried us far, far away,
In the rush of existence, lost in the fray.
Yet beneath it all, in my thoughts so askew,
Don't forget, dear friend, I still need you.

Seasons have danced, and friendships did sway,
Leaves fell, hearts cooled, as we wandered astray.
But 'neath the surface, where emotions accrue,
Don't forget, dear friend, I still need you.

Though years may have passed, and our stories did blend,
Life's puzzles perplex, and the roads twist and bend.
In the end, in my heart, the sentiment grew,
Don't forget, dear friend, I still need you.

Times change and rearrange, like the shifting sea's tides,
Yet within me, your presence forever abides.
Through the tapestry of life, woven with a golden hue,
Don't forget, dear friend, I still need you.

So when silence envelops, and distance feels vast,
Remember our moments, the memories that last.
For in every thought, and in dreams that ensue,
Know, my cherished friend, I still need you.

.    .    .
