Words hurt more than you could imagine
Words are cruel that way
A mere meaningful combination of letters
They cut deep
Just enough for it to stay there forever
But not enough to kill
The wounds are always present
Like a memory you so desperately try to forget
But is always there at the back of your head
All it takes is a touch
For them to hurt, to bleed
To cause the damage all over again
There is nothing you could do
For it to stop
There are no painkillers
No sedatives
Nothing stops the pain
And there you lie, bleeding
In silence
It's terrifying, the thought
The reality
Of being so pathetic, so sensitive
Of crying over something so trivial
Without physical existence or proof
Harder for people to believe
So, I promise
Every night
To be tough, brave
But all it takes is a thought
Of that distant memory
And the walls crumble all over again