Image by Hans from Pixabay 

I was sitting on my balcony yesterday and I saw you,
Or maybe a visual of you,
Maybe one or two or perhaps a few…
I could see you in the garden nearby,
Where we met the first and the last time, we decided to let it go or at least try, You lied to your mum about a group study with your friend,
I sneaked out too, things were so different.
I could see you at the flower shop nearby,
the one near the electrical tower,
I remember where I bought you a flower,
And you tried to naive, questioned me with a “why?”
That day we laughed and watched the sunset together,
You held my hand and promised never to let this thing wither….
I could see you at the coffee shop nearby,
I still remember that night, and that try,
We were confused about what we meant to each other,
When we’d gone out for dinner,
But we promised not to call this a date,
When you looked flawlessly beautiful for the millionth time,
But anyway this had to wait…
I could see the slide where you used to come to meet me,
outside my balcony, to see me on days when I wasn’t allowed to leave, The slide where you stood high and sent me those waves,
Unfortunately, I just, couldn’t wave back…
I could see the little bridge over the town lake,
The one over which we talked about love,
We fought but we also shared love,
The one where we revealed our secrets, about each other,
I still remember how you told me that we would end up like those other people, Who fall in and fall out,
But we never realized what was it all about..?
The little bridge, where you told me this with little tears,
that left me a little broke, we stepped a little back,
shared out little last stare and we walked away with little steps…
I see these places every day,
Where I glimpse of you I cannot forget, no way,
And one somedays, I see you there,
Walking over the same path in that garden in little steps,
Buy my favorite flowers every day and smell them my little way, Sitting over that slide every day,
Buy my favorite coffee that you loved too,
but you never bought it so that you could take a sip from mine, And at the end I see you walk back that same little bridge,
When you stop for a second, look back at my balcony,
And then continue to walk…

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