“This is for all those unexpressed thoughts which usually rises in our mind sure enough, but not sure enough to express it upfront.”
Living in this world, being a part of the many lives here, each and everyone have their own thoughts and opinions. Some may be negative, some may be positive. But it’s what brings the balance. Am i wrong? I hope not.” Wrong or Right” arises as a result of judging people before taking one’s opinion into consideration. As the saying goes,” Just because it’s a 9 to you doesn’t mean it can’t be a 6 to the one viewing from the other side.” You both are correct but from different perspectives. Respecting people’s opinion is one hefty load of a responsibility of being human which we usually take for granted. We don’t care actually. If it’s what brings us joy even for a split second or if it can be a great topic for gossip at least for a few mins, we don’t care whose sentiment we hurt, passing it around like a football for a split second of leisure. We humans are quite selfish actually. We tend to put ourselves before anyone else no matter what the situation is. And it’s understandable. We tend to think why should we waste our valuable time worrying about others when it’s finite. Why should we, when we have no idea when it’ll be our last breath? But ironically, it is for this very reason we should. It’s because our time here is limited that we should give back more. By this, I don’t mean that everyone should put others before them despite any situation. There is time and place for everything. During this short period of time, unsure of when it’ll end, the least we could do is stand beside each other having each other’s back. Not behind, not in front. How much will it take from a human to be thoughtful of another? I doubt it’ll take much to be nice. Being the reason for someone’s day getting better, I hope is a far more of an accomplishment than having a job that pays handsomely or living a life of luxury.
Happiness is not just living a luxurious life or having everything on your fingertips. Real happiness lies and arises in those moments when you can really feel and act like yourself, when you feel free; away from the prying eyes of the evil of the society or away from the thought that maybe one day, we won’t be here anymore. Being here and totally involved in being here, helping others see the light, being the light at the end of a tunnel for those that are lost, being a lighthouse to those travellers whose sole destination is winning in life, is a far more colossal of a virtue; of an achievement for playing a part of us being here in the first place. That is what life is all about. That is how your life will be one worth living. Nothing in the world lasts forever and we won’t either. Because we are a thing and our life has a purpose and to fulfil that is ours to give back.
Since we live in a highly diversified world, there are lots of captious people who are keen in finding fault in almost everything. Each and everything or every situation has both sides- “A brighter side and a Darker side”. So, why give emphasis to the bad side when we have a better one to focus on? Why don’t we pay more attention to the brighter side and attempt to brighten the other side too? We all have come across the art of recycling during our days at school. And we know very well how sustainable it turns out. So, why don’t we adopt that idea here and recycle problems or issues? It sounds a little crazy I know. But if we think thoroughly about it, it’s not impossible. On the contrary, it might become a grand way to sustain our mindset for our younger generations to cope up with. Doesn’t that sound like an idea? How, you might ask. Well, let me clear that up for you with a tiny illustration. Let’s say you are in some sort of trouble. So, instead of panicking in those situations, if you look into the bright side and try to think of a way out of it, whatever could be done to make it a tat bit better, won’t that help? Instead of freaking out about what will happen, what if you utilise that bit of time to think of a way to resolve the matter, to make it a bit easier, and how to avoid it in the near future, that is what sustaining situations is. That, is recycling problems.
We all know, the rate of competition is really high these days. Therefore, stress is like a normal event that occurs almost everyday inn each and every household. On the contrary to how it was in the past, there is competition for survival now. Competition of who’s better or who is the greatest. There are lots of influencers on various social media platforms, giving awareness about the hazards and importance of mental health and how to cope up with them or helping people, trying to convince many that their life is worth it. But even so, many often falls into this constant loop of darkness despite being aware of and having warned many a time. In our country, each year and whenever a competitive exam hits, news about suicide and suicide attempts hits the headlines. This is due to the excessive stress stabbing the candidates and the peer pressure, rubbing salt on the wound. A feeling of hopelessness and helplessness seeping through the cracks of being not enough or just not enough to face society. That overwhelming feeling of failing and lagging behind, of being left behind, being inferior, or not able to fulfil the criteria of being successful as coined by the society. But this mindset seriously needs to be changed. Being successful in the sense, having a decent job, being a government employee; that is what the society wants us to seen as. But what about you? What are your passions? How do you want to live in the future or whom do you want to become? Always keep this locked in your mindset “No profession big or small deserves disrespect.” To you it might seem small, but to a certain somebody, it is a treasure; a way of surviving, of being able to put food on the plate of their families. Teaching your children to study hard to avoid being needy or poor is not being a good parent. Being a good and responsible parent is guiding your children towards the light, of making them able to stand on their two feet enough to be able to willingly help people in need, and to not judge anyone beforehand.
Any profession be chosen; a doctor, a painter, an artist, a footballer, or an athlete, if you can see yourself in the future being able to stand on your own feet, it’s enough. And if you are a parent, your responsibility as one should be guiding them and providing the raw materials in order for them to be able to build the future they desire. Your job is to help them build and not decide what to want to build. You can’t make their lives a continuation of your own, that’s not fair. You can’t simply make them achieve what you couldn’t and craved in life. Last but not the least, academics is not the only way to success. Showing a sense of superiority in the household and making people follow strict rules is not being a being a family. Being a family is hearing each other out and taking initiatives to make situations better, together. Without an act of togetherness, a home is just a house.
We live in a society and there are different roles for each one of us. Some say men and women should be equal in all aspects and some say that is just a foolish opinion. There might be a reason as to why some people find it impossible but in my opinion, it is possible. It doesn’t mean that they can be and should be equal in all aspects but there is still a lot of work left to mend where we can. If there has to be equality, then it should be in all aspects of both sides. Why is it considered the men’s job to just give flowers or pay and not expected to get back the same? Why can’t a woman do those for her man instead?
Ladies, stop expecting to get pampered all the time if you support gender equality. Be able to do those too. If he pays for lunch, pay for dinner; at least once in a while. Stop expecting to just get and start giving too. You can always send flowers to yourself, it no big deal. As much as women are given recognitions as successful businesswomen, a stay-at-home husband deserves the same respect and appreciation. Helping each other out in ways we are able to, be it laundry or cooking or cleaning should under any circumstances become a factor that hurts your ego. And again there are these stereotypical controversies of the third gender. Why would you care? They are all god’s creations.. Who are you to make them feel inferior? For a moment let’s forget about the outer appearances. What do we see? A human. We see a human, one of our own kind. So why this inhuman treatment? As a human, don’t the human rights as coined by our constitution apply to them? And as for the “ They are influencing other straight men to follow their footsteps and it’s alarming” kinda controversies, listen - “ No unwilling and not meant to be can be convinced let alone influenced to become someone opposite of their identity. It is because they had it from the very start, they can be. Why do you feel that your opinions are needed by someone who is readily and happily accepting their true identity? It’s their life and therefore their choice. You can’t alter nature just because you don’t find it appealing. Always remember, we have one single religion and that is, humanity.
Even though there have been lots of arguments and solutions and negotiations, women are still being treated really inferior to men. Is it fair that the very own kind of the creator is being ill treated by their very own creations? There is no room for discussions or for alterations of facts here. The woman’s body is none like any. A women can create a life just from one single component . A women’s body actually is a factory and can create a life with just a single component from a men. Can any men do that? No. From having to cope up with the maturation and disruption of this mechanism each month to carrying a life; another human in the womb for 9 months and the complications that comes with it, the extent of pain a women, a mother bears is unimaginable. Yet, each of these are taken for granted. Women deserves much more than just the bare minimum. But, just as women needs acceptance and appreciation, men needs it too. Having to rush for work early with or without a proper meal to returning late completely drained and exhausted from work, working hard just to put food on the table for his family. They are humans too, they also deserves appreciation and comfort. Needing a hand to hold, a shoulder to lean on, is okay. Men can cry too, men gets hurt too. They are also capable of feeling emotions just as every human does. Be it me, women or the third gender, as a human we all needs acceptance and appreciation in life. Everyone has their flaws but it what makes us human. Be you and don’t let anyone change that. Don’t change for anyone. The real ones will never leave. Do what makes you happy. Loosing your true self to be someone else to seek validations from someone who doesn’t deserve even your presence in their life, is a shame.
Make memories. Each and every individual is unique in their own ways and have their own flaws and insecurities. They have their own charm. Every race, every gender, every shape is perfect the way they are. It’s what brings the balance. Just as a garden looks more marvellous with the varying kinds and colours of the flowers and plants involved, our world is one too; a big garden. Each and every individual plays a part in making this world lively. Each perfection and every flaw is what makes it perfect just as negative and positive brings balance.
So, be it. Be the spotlight. Shine in your spotlight. Shine your brightest before your time runs out. Help whoever in need and make your life worth it while it lasts. Your mistakes yesterday under any circumstances shouldn’t become a factor to decide the success tomorrow might and will bring. Learn from your yesterdays. If you want to bring a change, go for it. If you want to be better than you were yesterday; get back up. Tears won’t help, sweat more. If one leaf fell, sprout more. If someone has to bring a change, its you! - “The image you see in the mirror”. Stop hesitating, you are capable, more than enough. You are the best and you can bring out the best in everyone. Come on!!! Bring a change. Get up, keep moving. Get ready to write history. Live a life you’d be proud of living.