The ego capture mind
Incredible ego is a tall mountain peak,
Enables ego to minimize low, a grass leaf,
Ego creeps into the mind a kid senses him,
Face, dress, names recognize self keen,
The ego is harmless, the essence of humanity grows,
Color, complexion, studies, health glow,
A ladder to raise, high in age, ego swells,
The mind gets a mate, cemented as oneself,
Conscience puzzles the mind or self to help,
Attributes of ego are chains in interlink,
The home of my parent cast status does wink,
Middle age accustomed humans to identity,
Name, education, clan, address visibility,
Career, occupation, degree reputation,
Sport, literature, art, music admirations,
At a crucial juncture, ego in life
Captured as a captive mind in chain tight,
Intoxicated mind in pride as kingmaker,
Life is from a blade of grass to a glass tower,
World notice in owing praises shower,
Speech visit help concern is top news,
Amazing a people listen to heart ruses,
Four walls of concrete a loner of the palace,
Friend, society, community traces,
Help, donate, and contribute to all shelters,
The heart is captive of its own fame and seeks a savior,
Freedom as a human lament private life,
Media is a hawk in the guise of a stalk with a knife,
A knife is lens world watch amused in time,
Expectation gets dry, hounding a pastime,
Conscience erases afflictions
Raise the curtain of mystic life curios,
Conscience prick leaves all spurious,
O soul, you are passing by track transient,
Never your credit, success but divine grace,
Your good deeds reaping dividend fine,
Once finished, you can find alone in time,
Friends people applaud fade in mist,
Media will conclude your memory in gist,
Sure, you shall depart the realm alone,
Your home, courtyard pet dog looks on,
Family kin will be at the front door in tears,
The Son of a friend will light a pyre and stand in prayer,
You came empty and will return like that,
Even your mortal remains in ash detach,
O soul, your face world only knows love,
Quit for good, face inclines to go above,
Only deeds will go with you like mate,
Good deeds give peace to bad ones torment,
Heartfelt the infinite pain agony cry out,
Ego replies caustic remark, mind in doubt,
Afflictions liberate freedom
Self accuses conscience of bitter imagination,
Point to conscience rude, indecent affliction,
Conscience gets hurt, telling fact, in the end,
O mind shed identify a sense of I point delusion,
I fuel ego, culprit-heart, is an affliction.
Conscience rescues the mind and listens to the wisdom
A captive of ego, break the chain to freedom.