Photo by Raghavendra V. Konkathi on Unsplash

Nine yards mother your vanity, a womb,
Nine months, Mother grace a life aplomb,
Eon, the human race knows creation in care,
The living forms on the blue planet also share,
Animal, aquatic, bird, plant born to quit,
Creative power mother replicates nit soon,
Mind watch mother, transform clay to life,
Time witness clay merges with soil insight,
Surging waves rise, proudly merge in the ocean,
Raises life mother out of bosom dissolve often,
Human worships soil as mother or nation,
The world is your womb, mother's infinite motion,
Humanity sees the earth as mother, life nurture,
Manifest mother, divine beauty like nature,
Plants, animals, birds, insects, life in water grows,
Mother Nature in worship, human ever bows,
Mother is infinite, real universal motherhood,
The universe is the only mother, creation
No shape, size, color, odor infinite attribute,
Infinite, beyond time, in void love, contribute,
The mind expresses dark space through her color,
Describes her radiance as lightning, bright,
Her anger is like thunder life under fright,
Lush green forest, blossom color her cover,
Bluewater of the river, lake dazzles, décor,
Her softness, ocean calm, love, fathomless,
Gold, silver, and jewel gleams are always
Cornfields golden as her feeding bowl sweet,
Infinite her grace eternal hunger nicely meets,
Mother, her voice is in the whisper, the gentle wind,
Nature, silence, her music, in bliss unwind,
Enamor mother, incredible presence in heart,
Sings a saint her attributes human mind act,
Consciousness, wisdom, sleep, hunger,
Shadow, energy, thirst, forgiveness ever,
Caste, shame, peace, affection, aura,
Prosperity, profession, memory, kindness,
Content, motherly love, illusion, senses,
Life grace symptoms rise in time, sure,
Eyes, ears, mouth, skin, nose ensure,
Thought, intuition, intelligence, conscience,
Feelings manifest, divine, or devour the mind,
Her anger is a fire that ruins creation to ash,
Her angry tear is a cyclone, flood furry wash,
Her loving glance is the silvery light of the moon,
Her caressing soft, autumn breeze woo,
Her milk, milk to her child, all living forms,
A people worship cow as mother uniform,
Her milk human drinks in all age and grow,
Worships as the cow is mother, purity in the glow,
Mother asked the Lord how she was superior,
Lord touched her divine feet in surrender,
Lord explains all knowledge of truth known,
One was lacking in Him Mother has shown,
The creator never knew the quality of the
Infinite bliss, tears, intense pleasure,
Nothing as knowledge in the Lord inhabits,
He has no feelings, attributes, or objectives,
Surrender, trust the surest way to reach Him,
Mother her feature of love, surrender clean,
Mother hugs creator as soul merges within,
The soul is the mother subtle in creation win,
Union of soul and supreme self witness,
Brighter than a lightening white harness,
As wave merges in the ocean, loses it quickly,
Mother unites with creator ever intrinsic.
The inner vision of the human mind festival of light,
Celebration in erasing darkness; the truth is a

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