Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

When a person creates something, he has full knowledge of the thing, which thing has benefits for him and which thing has disadvantages. He is also fully aware of what is beneficial for us and what is harmful to us, the things that Allah has prevented us from doing. He trades at a loss on his own accord, he thinks that I may not be free, and he shoots himself in the foot when he tries to turn these constraints into freedom.

In our Islam, we have been taught everything from birth to death. It has been said that do not talk to any non-male in a soft tone because if there is any disease in his heart, seeing a soft tone will increase his disease and this has also been clearly stated when a single girl and There is a boy, there is a third devil, but we all know that we bring non-men into the house, make them part of our family, and let them into our household problems.

As a result, they are aware of every secret of our house and they have an eye on our sisters and daughters but we provide them with this opportunity, and in our own house, we lose the respect of our daughters not only. It is also evident in our society that the husband brings his friend to the house and as a result, he eventually comes to know him as his wife, in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said that it is worse than dirty mud. We like it in our house Our women's lives are being ruined, it is our family members who are responsible for it. For a boy, his only protector can be his brother and father, not his friends. Some time ago, you must have seen how Irfan The reason why a girl is cut into pieces is that we trust every human being and destroy the honor of our sisters and daughters with our own hands. Ungodly because this incident is very famous 

In a village, there was a man named Bursisa Nama, who was a very capable and pious man. Bursisa was a very pious person. In the same way, the brothers who wanted to go to Jihad trusted him and one of their sisters was alone in their house, but they did not think it appropriate that our sister should stay alone in the house, so they went and met Barsisa and they said to him that please be our sister's protector because we cannot trust anyone else because we testify to your purity and your knowledge, but Barsisa did not agree, he replied from there that where a man And there is a woman.

The third one is Satan there but he also insisted again and again so Barsisa said yes and was ready to be his protector.

Barsisa was engaged in worship one day when he suddenly remembered that I was responsible for this boy. Did I know if this girl would have food or not? So Barsisa went to her house without knocking the door. They kept the food there and went away and then engaged in worship, but Satan came to them again and asked them if they knew whether the girl had taken the food or not. After meeting the girl for the first time, they gradually became closer 

They came so close that they fell into adultery then Barsisa came back and repented and then engaged in worship and after a month the girl came to Barsisa and said I am going to be the mother of your child Barsisa is mine. He didn't want to lose his honor, he wanted it to be a secret somehow because my honor would be lost among people. He didn't think anything that the devil came to him and said, "Why don't you do one thing, you this girl?" Kill her in this way this stain will also be removed and Barsisa also did this and buried the girl there. After some time when her brothers came back, Barsisa cried and said that her sister fell ill and died. And I buried him too His brothers wept a lot and their eyes were opened and the devil came in his dream and said that he is lying, he misbehaved with your sister in it and buried her again in his belly. There is also a child. When his brothers saw this dream, they gave it to their sister's grave in the morning and when they saw it there, this dream was completely true.

Now those people were coming with the intention of killing Barsisa and Satan came to him and warned him that those people will kill him, so Barsisa was very scared and asked him to tell him some trick by which he can kill you. Be saved, Satan said to him that I will save you, but you have to do one prostration for me, so Barsisa bowed down to Satan out of fear, and from there those people beheaded him at the same time.

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