Image by Anil sharma from Pixabay 

The education that makes us forget the language of smiling is no education at all. The system of examining, passing, or failing creates the disease of either inferiority or superiority. There's nothing like passing or failing; some are hyperactive and fast enough to learn but might be destructive and some are a little slower enough to assimilate, but might be constructive. One is just incomparable to the other. The knowledge in the present has expanded like the big bang. The things we learn, research, discover, and invent become outdated within no time.  It is imperative for teachers to turn into therapists holding a future vision to direct the pupils towards advanced knowledge filled with the right perception.

There are certain things which are not created but naturally evolve. One of them is language. Language either connects or disconnects people. Each one of us should know two languages-our mother tongue and a foreign language that has attained an official status. Mother tongue is limited that's pertained only to a small group of people making others strangers. For one world, and for universal brotherhood, we need a foreign language. We can do or attain anything with an international language, but when it comes to emotions, we can express ourselves better in our mother tongue being true to ourselves. Education should make us aware of our inner demons-comparison, jealousy, cutthroat competition, adversity, pride, and prejudices and how to get rid of them. This system is quite significant which makes us sensible, wise, and fruitful.

Education is not meant to end up with great grades. If academic achievement lacks intrinsic stimulus, even the tempting grades make us feel empty because the achievement is wholly extrinsic without any true purpose. Unless one beats the other, one is not successful. This is the misconception of parenting. Grades will never be able to measure our skills and traits but for sure increase the rate of crimes. The art of mind management is the need of the hour rather than the domain knowledge and the finest technique of pedagogy lies in mentoring the pupils' blinkered and paradoxical minds letting them learn how to think and question.

Education should make us acquainted with the life and its wonders. For this, art and creativity should be encouraged. Unless we happen to be creative, we cannot become one with existence. Creativity is the art of contemplation that pushes us inwards, instills growth motivation, and makes us evolve towards advancement manifesting divinity. Education devoid of creativity is merely idiotic and lifeless; teaching remains insignificant and fruitless. The time future demands more therapists rather than just teachers.

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