Image by Monika from Pixabay
We almost everyone has seen flying fireflies, blinking lights from their body. Fireflies are from the insect community, but, we like to watch fireflies as they emit light from their own body. Scientists have researched fireflies. But, do you ever think, if fireflies can emit light from their body; how much higher their intellectual level can be than humans?
A species of insects, that developed light in their body, can store the closest information about anything they have encountered. Though humans called themselves ''best of life'', but, there are many other species of life like fireflies, who developed a higher level of intellectuality and Consciousness. Honeybees are among those, with sharp memory power.
Since been a long time, humans are searching for alien life outside planet earth. But, the truth is, souls from other planets develop lives, as insects like fireflies, bees, etc.. They are collecting information about the planet earth and it originally belonged to living beings, for their research and experiments.
We see a light behind Jesus' painting; a light arising from the backside of the head. Sometimes, light in the middle of the forehead of any spiritual guru's painting like Gautam Budhha, Shankardev, etc.. These lights mean, an enlightened soul, a personality who can show the path to the entire human society. But, still human needs extra light to walk in darkness, and to see at night. But, insects like firefly has already developed lights in their own body, like stars. Even fireflies can live for a long time, without eating anything; because of exchanging light energies with the atmosphere. If we compare fireflies with humans, they are in the category of those Sadhus, who can live without eating anything for a long time; and developed some supernatural power or personalities like Jesus or Buddha.
What we humans are doing?
Most of us are running after materialistic pleasure. To gain materialistic pleasure, money, and property; even people can easily commit crimes. Corruption, war, murder, and billing systems of private hospitals; all are proof that humankind is losing consciousness as well as intellectuality day by day. That's why, nowadays, our body starts to deactivate at an early age; as humans are losing connection with their consciousness of the soul. Just think, without a Heart and Brain; how will be human life?
There is a difference between intellectuality and smartness; most humans have developed a cunning personality. To reach their estimated goal; they can do anything harmful to other people, society, and nature.
Did you ever think, what is the reason or power behind our feelings and thoughts; in a single word 'human consciousness'? What is the power behind all living beings? What keeps you alive? Still, we don't have answers to these basic questions. But, we know various information about business strategies and marketing ideas; but, sadly, don't know about ourselves; the reason behind developing speaking ability, living energy, etc..
I, myself developed spiritual nature in me; and it connects me to nature. I have developed prophetic power. And my future prediction becomes true. After developing my spiritual nature; I notice that my Telepathic ability become strong. Even I can talk with someone closer to my heart through Telepathy. Some days before, I noticed a firefly in my room; and gradually the number increases to four. Not only that day, often it happens; when a single firefly enters my room; after some time, another one arrives in search of its partner. Insects like fireflies, who are able to develop their light; have a strong telepathic connection with one another. Their soul belongs to a higher dimensional level than human.
If like the present situation, humans keep running after materialistic pleasure; losing moral values, as well as consciousness; One day, insects like fireflies will replace the title 'best of life' instead of humans; if we don't take any step at the right time to develop our inner self, as well as power is naturally given to Humankind.