Photo by Petri Haanpää on Unsplash

There certainly is a rush 
Inside of my beings
The things piled inside 
The reckless scream let loose 
It's killing my insides 
Hurting my bones 
But silent as myself, I hush,

The things I felt 
All the good and bad 
And what I could not feel 
Unknown to thy 
But knowing my body 
It screams as it stims 
It is this rush in dopamine 
Making me wanna loose 
Everything I've been on hold 
Everything I keep to myself 

So wild I go 
In the unseen dark
Were secrets live 
Hiding in its truest self 
No true no false 
No wrong no right 
Only the sound of recklessness 
And few prey and predators 
So here I am 
Wrecking my self 
Getting Reckless I could ever be 

The rules and boundaries 
I've been put to myself 
The sorry state I have always been 
Am I pitiful? A victim perhaps 
Nevertheless still alive 
So I dance myself in the dark 
Fusing myself with the night 
The alluring enchantress I could be
No one would may ever see 
Alive as ever I am, I know 
As night passes she passes too 

I wake up 
And here I am 
As beautiful as ever 
On with my life 
A mystery she remains 
Women who danced the night 
As reckless as she is 
As silent as she could be

.    .    .
