Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay 

Out of nowhere, someday, somehow we bid goodbyes to so many people unknowingly. We never know when is or was the last day with someone who means something to us. Time does compel us to leave our loved ones and move to a new place for any worldly thing. And we term this as progress in this 21st century. Well, we all need to accept progress but the scene of goodbyes is difficult to pass through. Even that familiar stranger's face in your class can make you exhale a deep breath on your graduation day, the idea of no more getting the chance to see that familiar stranger's face will also be a bit burdensome. Simple hearts are difficult to carry in this progressing world. 

Even the room of the hostel you lived in will make your eyes teary on your final day there. Walls do speak these days. Leave about the rooms and walls the old school bag has so much to look back at. Goodbyes to the non-living things even are difficult. These things were by our side through ups and downs quietly without any noise. Silently but yours can be the phrase we can use for our belongings. 

When it's about family and friends the heart moves in and out on that day. That every detail we share can no more be the same. Thereafter an unseen distance prevails and we don't know if we can ever bridge the gap in between or not. Seen distance can be bridged easily but these unseen distances are to be made even with greater efforts from both the sides. 

The knowing goodbyes are the hardest we prepare ourselves prior to it and go through the difficulty as many times as we think about it. Tears or numbness whatever that may be we go through it with a prepared mind. Things which begin with tenure are painful each day. We live these goodbyes for months or years. We add these goodbyes to our normal lives. We get up with it and end the day with it, as one more day closer to the final day. These goodbyes live inside us until the final day. But these are the goodbyes which help us get an outer shield, we prepare this shield unknowingly with the time we lived with them. 

Goodbyes are hard, but they are never the worst. Sometimes they lead us on a path of progress, and at other times they save us from something we can't deal with. They are bitter-sweet situations of life. We are bound to go through them but not bound to live with them for long. They are tiny fragments of this long life with too much to deal with. 

We do have tiny desires of bidding goodbyes which are undeniable. But the thing is on the day in which it actually takes place we feel a bit helpless. 

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