Photo by Martin Martz: pexels

When life seems to take unexpected turns all we can do is what our instinct says. Life puts us in many adverse situations so unexpectedly that by the time we get to know the reason why we are accused, we would have already reached the state of getting punished. Unreasonable and unexpected situations like this create an evergreen mark in our minds. It leaves us with a mark that we never ever thought to have. Sometimes those are not so impactful whereas at other times it may leave us in a trapped situation in mind. Every individual tends to go through such situations once at least in their lifetime. At those situations, we question ourselves that why this happened. Where we felt like we were walking on a static path and suddenly it feels as if we fell from a great height with nowhere to land on. Initially, we find ourselves in a state of shock and that shock tends to grasp and store the entire process of adversity in our mind and hence we tend to go through it many more times within our mind. Even though we went through it once in reality but we go through it hundreds of times in our head through several years. 

When we listen to any such story of others we may take it lightly or something not so serious but we never know how that particular individual feels about it, or how deep their thoughts and emotions are regarding that particular situation. 

Usually, we don't think much before shouting at someone for something that we just thought he/she would have done instead of keeping it calm and checking the facts before shouting or creating an embarrassing situation for someone. 

Calming ourselves can solve too many problems within and around us. A simple task of learning to stay stable at igniting situations will help us to handle so many unwelcomed problems at once. Checking up on our own way of thinking and working at the meantime also looking upon the people around us can help us to not to create any such shocking or traumatic events for anyone. 

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