Photo by Önder Örtel on Unsplash

A year back, the world was a different place
A time of peace, before the race
To find a cure for the unseen foe
That brought our lives to a slow-mo

The streets were filled with laughter and cheer
As we went about our daily careers
But little did we know, a storm was brewing
One that would leave our hearts aching and ruing.

A year back, we took for granted The simple things,
like a hug or a glance.
But now, we’ve learned to cherish
The smallest moments and not to perish.

For the year that’s passed has been tough
But it’s taught us to be more resilient and less gruff.
And as we look towards the future with hope Let’s not forget the lessons that we’ve learned as we cope

For a year back, may seem like a distant dream But it reminds us of the power of a team
And as we emerge from this dark night
Into the dawn of a new light.

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