Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

This word 'suicide' has different meanings for different people. Some think of it as an act of cowards. Some others think of it as a sin people do to escape their own doings... But, the truth is, the only person that actually knows the meaning of this word, is the one who wants to commit it.

 They are the people who know what it means to have a life soo difficult to live that death seems to be a much better alternative. You people say that they should have thought about their families and friends. But, trust me they did. And they tried to kill themselves because their mind told them that their loved ones are better off without them.

Today, in this article, we are going to talk about the top most cause of suicide in India. Yes, you guessed it right. The academic pressure. This is a pressure worse than that inside a pressure cooker. And you know, what happens to a pressure cooker when an access amount of pressure develops inside it? It bursts. Destroying every single thing it was cooking. In a similar way, when a student's mind experiences pressure so much more than its limit, it just bursts and decides to give up all that was being prepared in it. The student loses all its hope and it becomes extremely difficult for them to hold all those things, that giving up seems to be an easier alternative to them.

Now, many of the parents and teachers will argue that they never ever directly put any sought of pressure on their child or student. But, still, they become suicidal after even a small defeat in life. To be very clear, I am not here to defend those suicidal thoughts nor am I telling you that its okay to kill yourself. What I am saying is, that you all should be aware about what actually causes a person to have thoughts of self harm. Yes, I know very well that none of you ever wanted your child's result more than his life. But, did you ever tell them how normal it is to sometimes fail in life? Did you ever think of giving them examples of failures that turned into success stories? Did you ever tell him that nothing has the right to take 100 % of their time and effort? No, you did not. Because, if these things were being said openly in our country, the movies like three idiots would not have been made. There would have been no need for them.

As a person who has been that student, I want to tell you all that it's not the external pressure that makes a pressure cooker burst. It's the pressure built inside it which was building for soo long that killed it. Know well that the burst could have been avoided if you just opened the lid or stirred the food being cooked for a while.

Do you know what can stop suicide from happening?

It's never the big thing. It's not even successful as it will just raise the pedestal and will do nothing else. What can actually keep your kid alive is an ice cream date, or a day out, or a 'you tried your best' celebration where you tell them that the exam or job interview or any such thing that they just failed, it's only like an ant's view. It's only one single dimension. If an aunt can see only one dimension, is it true that there actually is one? Or is there a need for a change in point of view? Let them know that there is N number of dimensions or practically saying career paths that are still open for them.

Your child/student might be ashamed to face you after the declaration of results. Just tell them it's okay to fail at certain things that are wrong for them, in order to find something that's best for them.


If you really want to save the next generation from being the victim of the so-called system which actually judges them on the basis of a few sheets of paper, you have to make them aware about the reality. You have to teach them that there is absolutely nothing worth giving up their lives for. Never ever tell them that this particular thing is what you live for. Let them be a person that can laugh at their failures. Don't make them expect much from themselves. Always remember, the person who has nothing to lose is the one who becomes the most successful one. 'Failure only means that you are one step closer to success'.

'Let your failures turn into the success stories of your future self. When you are left with nothing to lose, all it is left is, for you to gain.'



If you are too a victim of this pressure cooker of the world and are seeking help, I hope my article helped you. Even if you have no one to tell these things to you, just consider me to be your well-wisher. I have been in your place and I know what you are feeling. Just have faith dear, you will definitely make it through. I BELIEVE IN YOU. YOU WILL MAKE YOURSELF PROUD. JUST DON'T GIVE UP YET.

Also, if you seek some additional support to keep your fight going, there are many suicide helpline numbers issued by the government. you can just search for them on the Internet and they will be there for you. I hope you find your way in life soon. 

Thank you for paying attention to my words. Love life, Love yourself...

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