Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Human beings on this earth are considered to be the finest creation of the Almighty because human beings can only make happen everything which primarily seems to be impossible. Human beings are blessed with various emotions; intelligence along with rationality hence is expected that they would react the best of their way to every situation.

Most of the time people think that if they can just attain the ‘ultimate’ financial goal, their problems will be solved. They start playing the “I’ll be happy when” game. Money is really a necessity in this competitive world. It is not inherently evil and can be used to accomplish extraordinary things.

Money is a great facilitator. It makes things happen. Despite, how powerful money is, though, it can’t change the way you feel about yourself.

The purpose to say is, it is good to earn money as well as necessary too but should see at what cost. For example, children fly far from their parents chasing for ‘ultimate’ financial goal. These parents are left with their lone feeling until their last day. In these circumstances, people may be in contact but they don’t happen to be connected. However, the craze for money, the craze for success is not at all an evil thought but what is important is the right balance.

Everything humans have needed to survive and thrive is always being provided by the natural world around us which we call ‘the Mother Nature’. The rise of technology and industry has distanced us superficially from nature. The natural resources are big sources for economic wealth, the wealth which is consumed by us directly or indirectly. But it is the time to question ourselves that are we not only chasing our materialistic desires on cost of vanishing the natural world bit- by- bit.

We, people, are participants of a never-ending race from which we pretend to derive all the happiness. We actually don’t know where to reach at last but we keep on ignoring the real-life inside life. We never try to understand that this race will not end nor the thirst to obtain so-called happiness. It is very essential to obey time and give space to our those innate desires which will bring the ultimate happiness within us.

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