You got up early. Went to the bathroom to freshen up and to shower. Got ready, groomed yourself up, and head towards your 9-5 job, working on the same things all over again. If you are a student, you would be doing the same things mentioned above, except, you would be going to your respective institutions to study your ass off just to get that stable 9-5 job.
“Life doesn’t get easier, it’s just that you become stronger.”
You work hard and worry too much about your future as a student in hopes that one day you would be financially stable and would work in a stable job without much hassle. But as they say, the reality is often disappointing. Turns out, you are just stuck in a cycle. You are stuck in that trap just like mice.
Apparently, no matter how hard we try or what path we choose, it would eventually lead us to the doorsteps of this fateful trap. "What can we do, our world is shaped like that only". As we move on with our lives, there comes a point, when you would realize, taking a break is as important as, 'giving all that you have' only to work harder every time you fail. Lucky for you, I would be throwing some light on the importance of taking breaks to rejuvenate and connect with your real self again, which often gets lost in this fast-paced world. Let’s start, shall we?
With our world developing so fast and efficiently, our lives are becoming more and more complicated with stress being a synonym of “living a normal life”.
We are so filled with a constant fear of our future and earning ourselves a fortune that we sometimes forget, “we are just humans, not gods.”
The irony is, we are so used to stress these days that if sometimes, when everything is going according to the plan, then also we fear that bad fortune is just around the corner or that’s “the calm before the storm”. I mean, just wringing this makes me wonder, when did our lives just start being a Python programming written by me (p.s. I’m a noob programmer and I make a lot of errors!)
We humans simply went from being hunter-gatherers to being complex and emotionally drained beings. Well that’s "the evolution" for you, it’s just that it is backward!
Well no matter how hilarious it is, but it is the reality we are living in and no matter how hard we try, we would eventually end up in this mess. The only people that are exempted from this suffering are those who programmed us and are controlling us.(Although, I firmly believe that they are suffering too, so they had to make a reality where they would be making people suffer even more!)
Sometimes when the cassette stops working, it was said that if you keep on trying to fix it, it will eventually get more and more tangled. Just stop and move the reel backward, your problem would most probably be fixed.
Just relate that reel to your life. Even if you are broken, tired and your head is not in the right place but you keep on working irrespectively, for some time you would be proud of yourself that, “I’m a fighter, a survivor. I would fight my way through it, the god is taking my exam, I shall pass that exam!” Turns out, you are just like that reel, if you won’t stop, your life would get tangled and more and more complex.
Just stopping and reflecting back on the decisions that you took and just relaxing your brain for a while helps manyfold. Believe me when I say it, “Your brain is more than capable of solving each and every problem to ever exist.”
There are two types of personality that become extremely successful in their personal as well as public life- one, who has a complete control on their mind and they can literally manipulate their brain to give them solutions to every problem they encounter- and the other- who have luck by there side and they know how to use and manipulate it.
A hectic lifestyle is just the by-product of too much stress. Repairing it just like you have your vehicle serviced once in a while, would increase its performance and the output that it provides. Now I’m not saying that just completely cut-off yourself from the world and live in solidarity. To afford it takes money and we regular folks are not billionaires. We have to work every day to earn ourselves a living. I’m just saying that cut-off yourself off from all the things that are continuously giving you stress. Clearing your head with all that trash thoughts of yours that cloud the thinking part of your brain would be a boon to your efficiency and market value.
Don’t think of "taking a Break" as your enemy or your hinderance in the path of achieving greatness . Even the greatest of the conquerors had to take that step back and plan their attack after they faced defeats-only to get over it and continue their legacy. Those who were reckless and continued to fight brainlessly are still remembered but for all the worst possible reasons to ever exist. No one is interested in their ideology, people are just concerned about the havoc they caused.
It always comes to you to decide on which side of the coin you want to be! (That’s the point that would decide your fate.)
Instead of breaking the barrier of your patience (your willpower that you showed when success seemed to be far from you!), it's much better to just relax and give that time to your mind to rejuvenate itself and figure everything out. The goal should always be the hard-earned success that cost you your time, sweat, effort, and not some fluke or a stroke of luck that made you rich. In the end, it's not about how quickly you did something, it's always about how long you can keep doing that same thing that made you who you are now. It's the "deed" that defines you!
Thank you!!