Photo by Soul Winner's For Christ: pexels

“Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes, or he doesn’t care to, or he doesn’t exist. God is either egoistic, evil, or imaginary.”

The big man or as we call the divine presence, GOD, the creator of all of things that ever came into existence and would ever happen in the universe. That’s not me giving my point, each and every religious scripture to ever exist, portrays the god as the creator and the destroyer of everything. According to believers, God exists everywhere and if you preach him with all your heart, your problems would go away. But this formula is somehow not applicable to everyone. Apparently, even God practices favouritism and has his favourites. Let’s take a look at this controversial topic of GOD. I can even get cancelled after this, so please be humble and pay heads to it.


Right from when we are born, we are given a tag of religion, race, and cast. This is how the human race divides its people into various classes. It’s all pre-decided. The fun part is that if you are born in a caste that’s lower according to them, you are paying the price of the bad deeds that you did in your previous life. Interesting isn’t it! Right from our childhood, just like our parents educate about the concept of “stranger danger”, we are also fed with a fear that’s the fear of God. Apparently, the reason that the believers give to that, seems logical and believable enough. But the catch is, instead of fearing god, a child should be taught how to live with God and portray him just like your friend. Even if the supreme actually exists, a child should always be told that the god is nothing but his consciousness. And that’s where he would learn how to self-talk and how to remain internally motivated. After all the concept of God was introduced so that it could give people some hope that they have somebody who’s watching them and believe in their ability to handle things. That’s how the concept of “the divine” should be taught to a child. Believe me, it would do wonders.


Photo by Shootcase Chronicles: pexels

Well, that’s about the humans that he has quote-unquote “CREATED” (and that’s where evolution goes into trash). Now let’s talk about “the supreme” himself. He exists in many different forms and each form has different personalities. Some of them are calm and some are absolutely ferocious and angry. He likes to keep the human race under his control. The things that he has said in the past are believed to be the truth. The ones who he like, are the ones who would be at the top of the human race, succeeding and earning themselves a fortune. There’s no right and wrong for his favourites. Even if they murdered someone, he would bail them out no matter what. On the other hand, if there are humans who are working hard every day, spreading positivity everywhere, always there to help others and most importantly preach him with all their heart, die too soon without any reason. That’s the justice that’s available in the court of GOD. Even the smallest of your doings can affect him. I believe most of you would agree that our mother earth is being destroyed from the collective doings of all the humankind. Still, whenever he wants to give a message to humankind that enough is enough, the ones to be most affected by the floods, the drought and the feminine are the ones who belong to the people that are not privileged and are already “slipping through the cracks”. It seems no one is able to understand his ideology expect him!


Now let’s throw some light on the egoism that "the DIVINE" possesses. Let’s take an example of a person who is a non-believer or as they call them “ATHEIST”, works with passion, never cheats, works hard at each and every turn in his life, faces every setback with a happy face, gets up after falling and hitting the rock bottom, is denied success and happiness in the court of GOD. You might be thinking what wrong has he done, he appears to be a genuine person. Turns out, the only thing that he did wrong was to not believe in the almighty. If that’s not a sign of egoism, then I don’t know what is. You might be the hardest one to work out there but if you don’t believe in him, you are doomed to hell. It seems like that, he’s identical to that professor who gives extra marks to the ones sitting in front of the class and listening to him and fails the one at the back, even if they have written the right answer. he can go to every extent to make you believe n him. A normal person would think that there’s a free will in the court of God and they can choose whether to accept or decline his way of thinking but no, its imposed on you. Whether it’s by him or his followers. It amazes me, how his followers tell us to get rid of egoism and surrender ourselves to him, when in the scheme of things, he himself possesses it.


Now I know most of you would start making me the enemy here. But if you come over it, and start reading this article with a neutral perspective, I hope that it will give you some insight on what I’m trying to convey here. I’m not saying that there’s no god or that everything that this world possess is evil and injustice. I too believe in the supreme power and I think that there’s some energy out there that’s beyond the capability of this world to even comprehend. My issue is with the GOD that’s created by the humans, who thinks that he would look exactly like us, possess all the qualities that a human possesses, thinks the way like a human think, is affected by the emotions as a human is. If that’s your definition of an atheist, then yes “I’m an atheist”. At last, I want to end my piece with a thought of mine:

“God is someone who is not affected by space, time or matter and if you think that an organ as small as the brain could possibly understand that what is GOD and knows what he thinks and does, then that GOD isn’t worth worshiping at all”.

That’s all from my side. I hope you all now have some insight on what I was trying to convey in this whole article of mine. It's left on you mindful readers to decide what to believe in and who to preach!

Thank you!

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