Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 


We are born in this world, not by choice, but by chance. The day we stepped foot on this fateful land was the day from when our sufferings began. Life and sufferings go hand-in-hand with each other. The things that are right in the “true sense”, are the ones which are bound to suffer the most. A lie spreads faster than the truth, not because it is bound to, but because it is chosen by the majority. “Too good to be true” promises, though people know that they are fake, are the ones to please human ears the most. There’s a very fine line between the “actual hope” and “false hope” and it seems like, the funny beings, known as “humans” tend to swerve to the latter one. Fighting for what’s right, is now a thing of the past. Fighting to prove your point and impose your ideologies on others is the new normal. Somewhere in between the extremism and the hunger for power, we lost the most important thing that made us different from all the other species to ever exist, the values and the hunger to know the purpose of our very own existence. With that, allow me to elaborate in detail, “the untold realities of the world we are living in!”, a journey to revive the truth.


Right from the beginning, when we humans started to settle near the rivers and form societies, there always has been a question that floats amongst the members of the society i.e., “Who gets to decide how the things would work?”. Now whenever there’s something about having an upper hand on someone else’s free will, it always brings out the worst in us humans. The hunger for that control over everyone else makes us do the things that our little self would never even think of. There are no “rights and wrongs” or “truth and lies”. A lie can be molded and adjusted so that it appears to be the truth. There’s much evidence in our history itself which indicates that “It’s always been the truth, that questions the mind of a common man and is completely against the pre-existing norms, that is bound to suffer the most.”

One such example is that of Galileo Galilei. In the world where the church believed that the earth is in the center of this universe and everything revolves around it, he dared to question their beliefs and concluded that the sun is in the middle of the solar system with the earth and planets revolving around it. The sad part is, he was sent for a trial and declared guilty, just because he decided not to trust something blindly and go with the truth. It is to be noted that he did experiments and a thorough study and then concluded his findings, unlike the church.

It seems like challenging the already existing beliefs, irrespective of the year, has always been “bound for hell”. You might have said or even pen down the most logical thing to ever exist in this world and yet if it goes against the existing whereabouts of the society, you would always be called out on it and denied the success or the recognition that you might deserve for it. People are happy in believing and rewarding the things they already know and hear about in their daily lives. Turns out, the biggest fear to ever exist in this world is neither the fear of death, nor it is the fear of encountering a ghost, it’s the fear of encountering something that is so logical and makes so sense that it goes completely against the things that you are taught and made to believe in since your childhood. “Reject the bubble of unawareness and embrace getting over the fear of unknown!”


“A child, so normal from the beginning that normalcy itself had to come up with another word to describe him. A man as patient as a mother is with her toddler, a man with no exceptional or God-gifted talent in him, a man with no achievements in his life whatsoever, a man who lost every battle in his life only to get up again and give all that he has and start that misery all over again!”

I guess that’s enough for an introduction. Right from the very beginning of my life, it seems like nothing has gone in my way. But owing to that, it made me question the ways that our society works upon. It made me see the world underneath the masks, made me see the things that normally go unseen. In this quest of knowing the truth, I surely failed innumerable times. Doing what’s right got me nowhere till now. The only thing that it gave me was a pile full of unfinished dreams and encountered failures.

In this fateful yet adventurous journey of mine, I learned the most important thing ever is knowing that no matter how hard you try, the only thing that this world is concerned about are the results. If you have a thought process that is way different from the rest, there are chances that you won’t be recognized for your thoughts and will always be valued lesser than a person who goes by the books!

Being not naturally good at something gave me the urge to try various new things and experience life in a different way. The flip side to this argument is that even after giving my best and staying true to myself, it appeared that the luck was never by my side and I never achieved anything significant. I saw that people in general are happy with the traditional way of doing stuff. Get a job, start a family, work till retirement and after that expect support from your children. I observed that the people that are suffering the most are of two types: first are the ones who never worked in their life ever and took nothing seriously, and now nature is having a way with them. And the others, the ones who tried to do something different and showed a completely different way of doing things. Somehow, some of the people in the latter half are successful but they still are suffering, though they have wealth and they became successful not because the people accepted them the way they are but because they were skilled enough to pave a way for themselves through the cracks of this society and earned themselves a fortune.

“The Truth or the Right is never preached, but The Lie that’s accepted by the many becomes the Truth.”

To give a base to my conclusions let me give you an example.

Recently I wrote an article about the most controversial topic to ever exist, the topic of “GOD”. In that, I analyzed how "the god" that is preached by the masses is affected by space, time, matter and emotions. That’s why that god is not worth your time instead preach the energy that is operating this whole universe, or, the “AKAL PURAKH” as we call the “divine presence” in Gurmukhi. There are times when you have a strong feeling that the thing you have done or written or spoken is probably the best you have ever done. I felt the same, it was probably one of the best pieces yet. Turns out, it didn’t get the recognition that it deserved. You may reason that what you feel is not always right and you don’t always get what you wish for. But believe me, you wouldn’t have ever met a person who has lost faith in himself as much as me. If I felt that it had that spark in it, then there’s not a single person that I know of, who would have thought otherwise. Still, if you have doubts then go read that article in my profile for yourself. It's titled “If there’s a god…he’s too egoistic”. Now that that’s out of the way, the only reason that I could find for the above-mentioned tragedy was that piece of mine, was one of those unheard Truths in this world and that it challenged the beliefs of the readers who were to judge me on that. And as I’m continuously repeating myself from the very beginning, “The Truth is what, that suffers the most.” I hope one day, these “untold realities” would be heard and recognized!


Well contrary to the subtopic’s name, I’m not here to give any kind of judgements for you. I’m just here to put the facts in the right manner for you to decide and come to a conclusion for yourself.

Still, to put everything into perspective, I finally conclude my article by saying that no matter what, “The Truth always prevails and outlive the Lie!”. If you are not in a better place at this time and are suffering the most, it's my humble request to not give up on the truth. Keep working and keep doing the right thing and I bet you, in the near future, “This world would be yours for the taking!”.

Thank you for staying patient and adhering to my thoughts!

Until we meet again!

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