‘Feeling great but not expressing it, is like a gift unwrapped.’
Why not? Humanity enjoys being appreciated. Everyone wants their hard work to be recognized. It's always nice to be appreciated for one's efforts. It can be simple or impressive.
The child who falls repeatedly while learning to walk is encouraged to try again and again until it can walk properly. When there is a stadium full of fans cheering them on, players are encouraged to do more on the field. When the facilitators encourage the students, they give their all. When a staff member's efforts are identified and recognised by management, he or she becomes extremely passionate about his or her work.
Recognition is always energising. A simple pat on the back or an award, either appreciating or motivating, are highly effective and remembered for lifetime.
People claim that they do not want to be recognised by anyone. Yes, it does. We do not need to seek identification, but we can come forward to appreciate others for the smallest of things.
What's wrong with accepting others and spreading a good and positive word? It all comes down to our attitude and actions toward others in order to create a positive vibration in the environment.
I'd like to recall a true incident from my childhood. It's a girl who struggled to get a passing mark in Mathematics until grade VIII but managed to get a 95% in grade X board exams. That miracle occurred only after the teacher praised the student once for showing improvement in the subject.
That simple pat had an impact within and began to progress first to impress the teacher, but later the girl began to understand the concept and strived for 100% but only achieved 95%. Wasn't that a significant shift? Do you believe the teacher has made significant efforts here? No, it was just a word of encouragement and appreciation.
Why can't we help one another? Every successful person started as a beginner, and every beginner requires motivation. Never dismiss a novice. A single spark can start a massive fire.
I remember trembling inside during my first speech in an assembly for my students when I was a beginner. Why? Because I didn't want my reputation to be ruined in front of my students and colleagues. Such feelings are completely normal for any beginner. It's been about nine to ten years. I can't remember what I said on stage. But I recall one of my colleagues, Ms. Sumathi, saying, 'You nailed it, Sumaiya.' Keep up the good work!
Those words strike me as rhythmic and magical. That turned my stage phobia into my strength. Today, I could give lengthy speeches in front of a group of people and remember that person with great respect every time. She may not remember this, but I owe her for the rest of my life.
Consider this: You don't have to be a great person to appreciate someone. You only need a good heart. A small way to assist others in succeeding at your level. Student to student, coworker to coworker. From person to person.
I would like to conclude by saying,
Recognizing others
By spreading the colours
Let the world not see
But I will become as impressionable as I can be