Photo by Prasanth Inturi: pexels



This small shloka of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita talks about how one can live a healthy life. This shloka tells “The one whose diet and movements are balanced whose actions are proper, whose hours of sleeping and waking up are regular and who follows the path of meditation, is the destroyer of pain and unhappiness.”

Ayurveda which became popular in medical science with using of technologies also describes health in the small Hindi word “SWASTHA” (स्वास्थ्य), on separating this word into 2 parts “SWA” (i.e. oneself) and “STHA” (i.e. to be situated) we get the full meaning of “SWASTHA” ‘One who is situated in oneself is healthy’. In simple words, it means one who knows oneself, knows their health and mind. Their senses are most able to know the happiness in oneself, their mind should feel relaxed and the main point, their soul should be content is the healthy and happiest person.

As we visualize in our daily life, life has become complicated in sense of mental and physical tension. Men became too busy to have a small sight on their health. People run blindly in way of hard work and for increasing bank balance only. They think if any hospital issues or job issues or any personalized problem occurs, they have at least money to overcome their issues, but it is wrong to think to overcome problems occurring in life. Money is not the only way to overcome problems in our life. If we just watch people around in our society, they fall ill due to (one common reason) stress and tension. Now a question arises from where this stress developed. Is stress a disease or any virus? No, it is a simple overthinking of anything at any time. Let us go in-depth about it. In the 21st century, people had forgot the proper lifestyle of living. Back in the life of our ancestors, they use to follow a completely regular routine of life i.e., waking up and going to sleep at a fixed time, eating lunch-dinner on time, practicing yoga and meditation, and being satisfied with what they had so they feel relaxed about everything. They were content with their surroundings thing so there is no question of stress. They follow the same thing told in the Bhagwat Gita shloka mentioned above in starting. If there is no stress about anything so there will be no tension for any future problem that may occur and result in a healthy and happy life. In today’s fast life people are hurrying to have an increase in money rather than to see in themselves i.e., health. Lifestyles had changed and become different in comparison to our ancestor’s life. Now, today people go to work and do too much of work in a sense to get capital, forget to have time-to-time food and finally get health issues like acidity, vomiting, and headache. And in a hectic lifestyle that causes stress plays a major role in responding to all the diseases whether it is diabetes, unhappiness, or brain stroke.

It is determined that around 45% of people fall ill due to stress, not because of any disease or virus. In recent times from March 2020 corona had destroyed the daily routine of life, resulting in too much of death, further well-educated employees becoming unemployed, poverty had taken place, people suffering salvation due to not getting of food, and many more pandemics taking place throughout the world. But as vaccines are launched cases of corona got decreased but there is a rate of increase in covid patients (who have suffered and who are facing it) death. It is not because of incomplete treatment but because of tension of hospital bills, financial problems after recurred, whether he had to face death, what after about their family, who will stand behind their family, these all questions made people get stressed and as too much of stress results in brain stock or heart attack as a death. As news of an increase in corona and death in Kerala went viral, it was noticed that around 23% of people die due to mental stress, in fact, they are getting the best treatment in hospitals. Mental stress is one of the worst diseases in human life to which neither medicine nor vaccines can be developed or introduced by great experienced doctors.


Today’s generation of people don’t understand what they want, is it their capacity to satisfy that need, just closed eyes follow what other people do and they want to do more than other people do. This competition pushes them down in stress and they forget to see what they made their health condition on blind following of others. Its main thing to do in life –Get satisfied with what you have not become jealous of what others have. As per data around 33% of people report for experiences stress and around 77% of people affect their physical health due to a load of mental stress. It is quoted everywhere that “Health is wealth” i.e., if u have good health physically and mentally then you will never get stressed, if you never get stressed, you can able to do work properly and can get a good source of income. How can we get good health, this question arises in everyone’s mind. Just follow a routine of life as our ancestors used to do. There is the only difference between our life and our ancestor’s life that they did work on farms and we are doing at companies or having own businesses. The best happiness you will get that your whole stress (if you get a little percentage in a day) is that spend some hours a day with family or friends where you get relaxed because these hours with family or friends get you removed from stress. As we know if there is a decrease in stress there is a decrease in tension, a decrease in mental-physical problems, and results in a good and healthy life. Another best suggestion that holy books and Ayurveda tells is to have yoga in your daily routine. Yoga keeps our unconscious mind stable, make our soul content, giving a way to think deeply without stress.

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