जुग सहस्त्र जोजन पर भानु
लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू॥

This sloka is from Hanuman Chalisa, it had described the distance of the sun from the Earth. It acknowledges that the sun is situated as 1 Yug= 12000 years * 1 Sahara = 1000 * 1 Yojan = 8 miles at all equals 96000000 miles. This is 153600000 km i.e., the distance of the sun from the earth. This was described by Tulsidas in 16th CE in the first Hanuman Chalisa which was written in the Awadhi language. The first-known person (according to modern science and Google) to measure the distance to the sun was the Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos, who lived from about 310 B.C. to 230 B.C. He used the phases of the moon to measure the sizes and distances of the sun and moon. It is India only who already quench the distance of the sun. India is a country of vast literature and culture. India is the land of Ramayana and Mahabharat, where the feet of God Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi are found. India had 4 Vedas: Rig Veda (hymns/poems of mythology), Sam Veda (hymns about religious rituals), Yajur Veda (contains instructions about religious rituals), and Atharva Veda (Consists of spells against enemies, sorcerers, and disease). It is Indian culture and literature which are evidence of innovation by Indian Scientists. Let's move further, who finds that planets are on their orbital? In 1609, Johannes Kepler proposed three laws of planetary motion. But wait, do you remember 476 AD? Yes, it was an Indian mathematician named Aryabhata who proposed that the earth is round and it rotates on its axis. Further Aryabhata also determined the diameter of the earth and the moon. In 1947, India got Independence, but do you think that we are still colonized in our minds? Or would you say our decision-making is 100% free of biases and inferiority complexes? We had kept independence to our literature and culture also along with people.

Today India is dependent on other innovations only, but here people will not try to innovate things with the help of Indian literature and culture. Let's talk about Yoga, the complete description of Yoga with hymns and slokas is mentioned in the first prestigious Indian Veda i.e., Rig Veda.

Though this beautiful thing exists in India, people follow Zumba dance, Gym, and all Western methods to maintain body figure. Who told me reducing the food in your diet routine will decrease your fats? No one, it's an illogical thing. Lord Shiva himself told Nandi, " To have a healthy life all we need to have 3 times baths and 2 times diet regularly." As and when time passes, our literature and cultural values also deceases. Like jewellery denotes the outer beauty of women and education showcases how beautiful and intelligent women are by heart and mind. Because of this only women are given high respect in society. That only, India is beautiful in religion, culture, heritage, and monuments but to showcase our values, ethics, and innovation are alluring we need to first respect them. Once we start valuing our literature and culture then only others can value it. Just put once look at the whole literature of India you will many innovative things that should be established in a developing country.

Let’s talk about the infinity symbol ( ). It looks as simple as we write eight (8), but let me acknowledge you about this simple symbol. The infinity symbol was invented by the English mathematician John Wallis in 1655. it means that something which is endless and goes on moving. How many know the concept of a "Parallel Universe"? Maybe a few of us! But if we read Ramayana (Holy Book from Ancient India) after the establishment of Lord Ram's kingdom, we can find the concept of a Parallel Universe. It is the story, when everyone knew that defeating Lord Rama is impossible, because of the presence of Hanuman Ji-The Mahabhali. So, a time came when Lord Rama realized that he should return to Vaikunth now, as dharma was already established. So, Lord Rama, to keep Hanuman busy dropped his ring in a hole on land which touches the Patal Lok. When hanuman ji reaches there, he saw many similar rings that Lord Ram dropped. Then he asks Nagaraj where he can find Lod Rama's ring because all are similar rings and that belong to Lord Rama. The king of Nagaraj (because at the time civilization of Nagas are seen in Patal Lok) told Hanuman ji about the existence of multiple realities i.e., parallel universe. He said that the Ramayana happens in every wheel of time (kaal chakra) that has 4 Yug, that's why hanuman ji fail to find the actual ring. Does a question arise what is the relation between infinity and this story? Yes, the symbol of infinity shows that every parallel universe has a single common point no matter how many parallel universes exist. This shows that just a view of Indian Literature can make an innovation to the world. There are many more things in our literature that other countries are researching to find the science. But what about us? We just put them in the great classic museum to showcase or kept in a treasure box which is then put in the tourism place.

Ram Sethu, which joins India and Lanka was a tremendous work for the Indian people during Treta Yug. Ramayana is a massive event across the entirety of our geography and one of the apocalyptical events in the Ramayana is the construction of an artificial land bridge between Southern India and the island of Lanka. This has been considered to be a myth for the entirety of the British occupation of India and even after Independence, our mentally colonized historians have kept on insisting that this is a myth. Unfortunately, a couple of American universities have recently discovered and proved that this land bridge which is known as Adams Bridge for some reason is Ram Sethu. They have demonstrated this land bridge. This land connection is man-made and is Coralline limestone rock. The stones are artificial over them and this has been proved by two different separate American universities. Accordingly, to this study, this man-made bridge is at least 7000 years old or more than that. We still don't know for sure about our government and our historians. Our archaeologists' tale has turned out to be true and if this central tale of the Ramayana is true, it means that the Ramayana happened right? Our archaeologists and scientist have thus far not taken the initiative of going there and doing some actual testing and trying to determine the date of this land connection. So, when do this eventually done, we will have a better idea of when this land bridge was connected and constructed. Accordingly, this case study, proved that we have never taken the initiative for our historical place while other countries are blindly there to discover the truth behind Indian History.


It's important in our lives as India cheers, its glorious past the country can't forget its grim reality. Today India focuses more on road learning than research.

The main reasons are:

  1. We don't have an environment for innovation.
  2. We don't have enough researchers.
  3. There aren't enough resources to research.

People here are only targeted to their goals of making money, they are ready to deal with the most precious thing in life for money only. For their life's precious thing if they can deal, how can they preserve the fabulous beauty of India? Talking about innovation, the 1:100 ratio is approximately where people are dedicated to innovating new things. Parents made science fun activities, but actually, it is a way of scoring our IQ. It's to clear the Olympiad not only school exams and all. In college life, students became a part of the rat race for placements. Most Indian science students land a desk job a decent-paying job with a remote resemblance to science. Their careers are then shaped by grids of Excel sheets and their innovation is limited to PPTs. How will India innovate when we are not even ready to take risks? Accordingly, to data, India just wants a safe and secure job and life because of black work in the surrounding. We do not get into research. Just 252.7 people get into research per million Indians. India spends just 0.64 % of its GDP on R & D, 1423 patents are filled internationally while Japan filed 40 times more than India. But now slowly India rising the graph and it has 48th in Global innovation and 64th in creative outputs. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam quoted that "When children are encouraged to express themselves and take risks in creating art, they develop a sense of innovation that will help produce the kind of people that society needs to take it forward." 

Is India moving with innovation? India is the land of a few famous people who won Noble prizes:

  1. CV Raman won the Noble Prize in Physics,
  2. Har Gobind Khorana won the noble prize in medicine,
  3. Subramanyam Chandrasekhar won it in Physic,
  4. Venki Ramakrishna won in Chemistry,
  5. Abhijit Banerjee won it in Economics.

None of them were or are residents of India. Have we killed the environment of innovation or is it too late to reverse the trend? India has a new policy aimed at encouraging innovation, the science technology and innovation policy or STIP 2020, and now the National Innovation and Start-up Policy 2022 for the students and faculty of higher Education Institutions (HEIs) will enable institutes to actively engage students, faculties, and staff in innovation and entrepreneurship related activities.

The terms which were introduced in India:

  1. Make in India - requires innovation,
  2. Aatmanirbhar Bharat - relies on innovation,
  3. The $ 5 Trillion Dream - needs to be driven by innovation.

At last, India doesn't need any more robots in the company but needs people who innovate scientific equipment for the company.

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