I'm in love with the darkness.
It's not that I don't love the light
It has its own Glory and purpose
But the darkness oh the darkness
It expects nothing of me
It hides me within itself
It tells me it's okay you will be safe here
The Bible told me the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
Two words I say to myself
There is a light within me that shines so bright it can pierce through the fog of darkness which covers me.
But somehow I let the fog stay,
I let it make home so that I can hide myself and find myself in it
Who am I asked myself day and night
I don't know who I am was the reply
I am lost and wandering
I cry myself to sleep
Unknown of my wants, my desires, my likes send my dislikes
I'm trying to figure myself out.
May 1st to June 4th
I find myself going back to these days
Back when everyday brought a new hope only to be crushed by the darkness.
I befriended the darkest because it was the only way for me to
maintain my peace.
I waited for you to come home
But the light in you shone bright and became one with the light
from above.
How I wish I could too.
Maybe one day but why not today?
I love the light within me
More than the darkness around me
one day it'll shine so bright
And defeat the darkness.
Till then I'll embrace the darkness
And nourish the light.