Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

How nicely someone has written.
God helps the people who have bad luck,
but not the people whose intentions were wrong.
not mine is going to be one not yours is gonna be lakhs.
not your gonna be appreciated,
nor I'll be ashamed.
don't feel it goes with your body,
yours will also be worried.
to the people who keep telling the branded lifetime,
remember that I will be no brand for your coffee.
some crying and make themselves understand,
where some try to hide it.
what beauty of nature it is,
alive people die Deep in water and the corpse prove by floating in it.
I have never seen demise,
but I hope it's beautiful,
because whoever meets it forgets to live.
I have seen a great unity of people,
pushing down the alive one and lifting the dead ones.
who knows it will be your last time in this world.
just meet people and make fun,
Be happy,
because you don't know which will be your last meet with that person…

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