Photo by Pixabay: pexels

It always begins with the birth of a female child. As soon as the red light of operation theatre turns into green and the doctors announce the birth of a girl child, the excitement from the face of the people around vanishes as if the sunlight fades away when the clouds cover them. A silence can be sensed when a girl is born and then eyes filled with tears, that one can obviously not differentiate as if the water in the eyes denote happiness or sadness. When majority of the crowd waits for a male child, the ‘chirag’ of their household the arrival of a new female member in the family actually haunts them. The very first day they begin cooking up stories that clearly depict a deeply engraved patriarchal mindset.

It is not always about the parents or the family sometimes it is the society that make a girl feel pressurized over just one thing that is being a girl. At every moment of time, they are made to believe that they are a female, a lesser companion to male. From the very beginning itself even though, they are made to study they are also trained in household chores and then the society puts a veil saying that the universe has given the power to a woman only to cook, clean and maintain, run a household. Also, when it comes to bearing a child, the task that only a woman can perform, man exempts himself saying that only a woman is blessed with the motherly feelings and motherhood that she can easily take care and rear a child. Man forget that their part of the body has also contributed towards forming a baby then why that baby is not their responsibility too? And here comes one of the major ironies of all times that it is the fault of the woman for giving birth to a female child, neglecting the whole science behind it. It is the high time that society must be given lessons on reproduction especially the role of X and Y chromosomes as a whole. Whatever it is, the crowd finds it easy to make the woman at fault so that she can be made to suffer in silence. Furthermore, a woman has to listen all her life if the child she has given birth to, turns out to be a female. Postpartum, loss of personal life is itself a nightmare which can be a nightmarish if their partners do not provide them with enough love and support. It is not a 9-5 corporate job that a woman does however like an ATM that works 24*7 and it is even tough when a job comes with household chores. Some things can only be felt neither be described through words. Being a woman is not an easy task to do. Every moment a woman is under surveillance. She is judged by the society for every task she does and even when she does not. The difference can be seen in very minute tasks that a female is made to perform from a very small age. Serving the guest to keeping the plates back into the kitchen where one can barely see a male child performing the task in the kitchen, it is foremost the female child that is made to rush to the kitchen for household chores. For the betterment of the society, it is crucial that the children must not be differentiated based on their gender instead it is important for every member of the family to learn and contribute to the work. The task must not be divided based on the gender likewise cooking is a basic skill that is to be learnt by the male too for the survival of the human.

The society has set certain norms for the female in terms of their education too. If it comes to a female as per the crowd, doctor and teacher is considered a safe profession. However, if it comes to professions that include being a pilot, lawyer or in the army society generally has a different opinion. It is an irony that society has accepted a working woman but work should be as such so that they can contribute to the household chores as well. When women want to join any profession that divulges from societal norms, the idea is usually discarded by the society from the beginning itself. A woman doing things is considered as a natural act but the man doing the same act is amazed by the society. At the same time, it is not an easy job to handle both career and household chores still the women balance it so firmly that is not even appreciated. There is always a limitation period that is given to a woman within which she is considered to settle with her job and the last resort is always marriage. The list is always endless when it comes to traumas that a woman has to go through in her lifetime. Everything from her virginity to her body hair is questioned. A promotion in her job is very few times considered a fruit of her hard work and talent. Whatsoever great a woman achieves in her life; she is always termed as incomplete without a family that is her husband and children. Even getting married does not suffice the needs of the society for a woman, she is always forced to give birth even if she is not ready. It is a common error that a woman is assumed to be a multitasker that she can handle everything around from job to kids to family but a major portion that is overlooked is the woman taking care of herself.

It is high time now that women should start focusing on themselves too. They must see to their mental health which keeps on deteriorating with time. Women should be given proper time and space for their personal growth. It looks good in posters and banners that talk about woman empowerment however it is of no use unless it is implemented in the real life. People often mock at feminists and their ideas and call them pseudo activists instead the whole idea of feminism revolves around equality and not the superiority of females over males. The society always has one or the other way to criticize the feminism. A woman stepping out into the world for the sake of her dreams is not often supported. She is not judged by the amount of hard work she does however the length of cloth she uses to cover her body. The character of a woman is considered to be directly proportional to the length of her dress. The more the exposure of the body the more of characterless she is assumed. From her height to weight to her skin tone everything surpasses the beauty of dreams that she holds in her eyes. The major setback that a woman has to face is not being able to get financially independent that makes her clutched in the stereotypes of the society. Education is one of the crucial factors that play a determined role in order to improve the plight of women. It is through education that a woman gains knowledge and becomes aware about herself which culminates into exploring her skills and talent. It is highly recommended to educate a girl child. It must be engraved into the hierarchy of the family that a female child is equivalent to a male child so that the patriarchal mindset ceases to grow into the young minds.

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