Sweltering summers and devastating hurricanes. An alarming rise in sea levels and a wrestling atmosphere. Dumped landfills and deadly plastics. Starved lands and bellies. A fifteen-year-old voice reverberating through the masses, "You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!"
These were the words that thundered the arena during the 2018 UN Climate Change Conference in the Polish city of Katowice. A 15-year old climate change activist, Greta Thunberg received resounding global recognition for her speech at the UN. Thunberg has emerged as a powerful figure in the fight against climate change. But Greta Thunberg was not the first person to sound this alarm of climate change to the world. As far back as the 1960's, scientists and activists have warned the public about the potential destructive effects of climate change most of which have turned into reality today, almost 60 decades later. In 1965, A US president's advisory committee panel warned that the 'greenhouse effect' was a matter of grave concern. True to the advisory's warning, the greenhouse effect has had a profound impact on the world today. One major consequence is a surge in global warming or the long-term warming of the earth's overall temperature.
Nature in its agony today is a direct result of mortal recklessness and irresponsibility over the years. What proves to be even more concerning is humans continuing to stick to their guns. Global leaders and the general public continue to remain indifferent to the harrowing agony of nature. That being said, what comes as a ray of hope is that there is still time to change our course. The time, however, is minimal. Only uncompromising and informed amends and regulations can save our planet.
As individuals, we often find ourselves powerless and our actions insignificant in this fight against climate change. The truth is that no one action is too small or no one person is ineffectual when it comes to climate change. A series of small efforts undertaken by all of us over time yield staggering results.
Although there are steps that individuals can take to keep a check on their lifestyles, in this situation, it becomes undeniably evident that the bigger role ought to be played by world leaders and governments across the world. The first step to addressing any crisis is drafting a concise list of solutions. The next step is to ensure that these solutions are put into action and do not remain as mere terms on contracts and transcripts.
Nature is the single most magnificent entity on this planet. Nevertheless, nature can be a vehement and vigourous force when put in the path of gradual destruction. If we refuse to pay heed to nature's desperate pleas today, it won't be long until the tables turn and we shall be the ones pleading.