Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay 
A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men. - Gloria Steinem 

The breakdown of ‘feminism’

This term feminism has already taken over the articles, meme pages and political debates as well. And what led to the debates was the enormous opinions over the topic and the fact that it has opinions in every possible form positive, negative as well as neutral. Yes! Some people find feminism as a lying rock near the shore of a sea which is an unpopular opinion. As they say that feminism must not be a topic of discussion over the dice. Why so? The world has changed a lot in frequent years with a speed irresistible to some generations who believe women were better in the kitchen and taking care of the Childrens while completely immersing in their own egoistic rituals of their era.

The point is that feminism has nothing to do with the thoughts one imagines after listening to the word feminism which could be women just fighting for their rights, rebelling on the roads, disrespecting the corresponding gender. Although feminism is a whole different story but the perspective of people should be shifted in the way it should be. What it tells us is to stand for the rights of a women as she is a human too herself, giving her the humanity, she has been devoid of from years and making each women feel that they are absolutely being praised for their constant efforts in the society as a mother, a wife, a daughter, a boss, a co-worker, an employee at a café, a bartender at the club and many more roles. The lack of appreciation and honor for the women of our old generations must not be a pattern for those in current and in the future generations.

Why feminism?

According to council of Europe feminism can be seen as a movement to put an end to some sensitive topics and issues such as sexism, sexist exploitation, oppression and to achieve full gender equality in law and in practice in every respective field of work. And as said above feminism doesn’t only mean a bunch of women on road battling for their rights but includes participation and contribution of all who are concerned by these issues. The women’s movement is made up of women and men who work and fight to achieve gender equality and to improve the lives of women as a social group. Going through the history and the evolution of feminism and the core matter of concern for the movements it shows that all in total there are four waves of activism which were as follows

This first wave of feminism activism included mass demonstrations, the publishing of newspapers, organized debates, and the establishment of international women’s organizations. By the 1920s, women had won the right to vote in most European countries and in North America as stated in the article. Talking about feminism in India, the foundation of Indian feminism—the first wave—was laid by the reform and anti-colonial movements of the 19th century. The aims of the movement centered around including women in public life with better political rights, access to education and employment in the context of the colonial state second wave of feminism aimed to achieve ‘women’s liberation’

Socialist feminists argued that it is a combination of patriarchy and capitalism that causes women’s oppression This second wave of feminism in India became broader as the intersectionality of caste, class and culture were recognized by the state. The movement entered the private sphere to claim equal rights pertaining to marriage, divorce, succession, justice for dowry and sexual violence, and economic opportunities. An exemplification of this can be found with the passing of Hindu code bills in 1950s, which provided equal rights to women through laws on divorce, marriage, adoption and inheritance. The third wave of feminism can be characterized by an increased awareness of overlapping categories, such as race, class, gender, sexual orientation. In 1980, the Five-Year Plan decided to focus on the health, employment and education of women, marking the beginning of the third wave of Indian feminism.

The term cyberfeminism is used to describe the work of feminists interested in theorizing, critiquing, and making use of the Internet, cyberspace, and new media technologies in general. Although the term ‘fourth-wave feminism’ originated in the West, it emerged in India almost synchronously due to the widespread use of social media.

How to support the wings of feminism?

Feminism are such movements which are an aid to past oppressions on the women of our society as well to the transgenders. They were considered just a minor existence in the nature who don’t need to own any kind of power and must be overruled by the masculine breed. Well as the world changes and more people are getting educated, sensible ad wisdom came into practice. Women themselves learned to fight on their own but we can't neglect the fact of many men supporting her through the centuries, who wanted them to stand and walk by their side. What can people do to support feminism according to

  • Communicating with the women around you. your friends, family members, and loved ones. To know about their thoughts and opinions
  • Question your behavior, realize the gender-based stereotypes you may be applying, and learn about the ways of achieving equality.
  • Do not be a bystander in the face of violence against women. Whenever people witness such crimes their first instinct is to just run away or avoid the situation. Remember, they are also the women of your society, your country just like your own sister, friend and mother.
  • Reflect on how your involvement contributes to change and maintain your support through your actions and words. Share accurate information to reach more people. Inspire children and young people around you through your egalitarian actions.

"Feminism isn't about making women stronger. Women are already strong; it's about changing the way the world perceives that strength."G.D. Anderson

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