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We are living in a world dominated with the thinking that believes ‘better living means luxury living’, if you own a luxury brand, it states that you can announce your success to the world, people tend to make the other person perceive what they see i.e. the brand screaming their status, not the EMI paid for that BRAND. To become successful, to become rich, people tend to imitate the lifestyle of the rich. And to imitate such luxury, they usually sell their souls for the glances of those who have another desire to live that luxury, because that looks astonishing and kind of a fulfilled life. In India, as the saying goes that, by watching a melon, another melon tends to change its color. Quite interesting! Well, there's this thing, the core of this discussion that self-help books and media and society has made your brain goes thinking that only if you earn a million dollars, own a Mercedes or Lamborghini, wear Louis Vuitton. Only then you’ll be considered successful, only then you are among those top 1%, who are sitting on some kind of throne. Well, honest advice from my side is to not ponder upon how to become rich but rather seek how to become happy. Sounds quite old-fashioned talk or advice from some grandma, which might not sound convincing. Quite of an aura the happiest person holds is really an ecstasy of life and the only success we should run after. 95% of the rich and successful people we see in this world have sold their souls and sitting on millions of dollars after that, but at what price? Some of them have ruined those thatched roofs where families of five used to live, now they are on the road, not just one but of many, I would say uncountable, some of the riches have destroyed careers, lives, reputations, families, the dignity of thousands to reach the top of the mountain they are at. Some rich have sold their bodies, some their family, some their self-respect, and many rich successful lads have sold the nations and millions of people's futures, those rich whom you take as your role models and for becoming successful and t look up to, did nothing but exploiting a lot of resources and power to get there. Reality being harsh with this bitter truth, corruption is stated bad in books, punishable in the constitution but runs in the blood of riches, those with abundance of dollars.
We as an entity with a vast universe among us hold a lot of potential in us and indeed can do a lot of things. But is it necessary to do all those works all at once, is it necessary for you to become an engineer or a scientist just because your parents want to as because that will give you a stable job, stable income and of course the “societal validation” and parental consent as well of filial child right, but we should be concerned by now that that is not what we want. That job is not what leads you to a soul-satisfying life, that salary that you earn every month will not be enough to satisfy your soul completely. Let's break it down into simple pieces, we must seek happiness in what we do and find what makes us happy. The job we do doesn't bring us any happiness, if going to work every day doesn't bring a smile on your face then how your efficiency will be shown in the work and how will excel in their field. How will we achieve goals set by ourselves whether its professional or personal goals, can't be achieved until we have our full heart to it.
A 12th-standard kid can't ace the competitive exam if his/her dream engraved inside them is to become a stronger, how will you cope with that every day, each day you live on the T-point of your life, looking at both ways which way to go, you can't go on either one. That is the dilemma keeping us stuck in our boring lives for years and we are left with regrets at the end. What's with all that money earned all your life, what's with all that respect you earned, did you want any of it by heart? NO, a big no! Don't fool yourself. A book that I would recommend looking upon is IKIGAI by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles. Read it by heart and you will be a big help to yourself.
‘Purpose is what leads you to a fulfilled life’.
Once you've found your purpose the upcoming journey will be very easy. Set a big goal then set up small ones, but they must be realistic, then setup targets and the last little one is everyday tasks in a to-do notebook, make them colorful or keep it simple but make sure to complete all of them by the end of the day, if however, you can't complete any one or two tasks, add them too your next day list. If you haven't achieved even one, don't you worry, it'll take time for you to get used to it, take small steps each day, then a few tasks every day and in no time, you'll see yourself a highly efficient, happy working person.
Remember! ‘It doesn't happen overnight, just keep going’. What matters the most is efficiency.
As I've said in the above paragraph that don't try to cover it all in the day that you get the motivation, don't opt for that that will lead to decreased potential to zero, and don't take a break from it for like a day or two just because you don't find any kind of motivation. The decreased potential will be a downfall for your efficiency for the upcoming days which will surely lead to the delay of your work, targets, tasks and the goals. You would not want that to happen to you. Consistency is just like filling an ocean with drops of water rather than filling it up in one day which will absolutely cause depression and decreased workforce, and all your potential will turn into kinetic which could be exhausted in an instant leaving you unable to work for the next couple of days.
The pending work and notes on your checklist will leave you kind of unmotivated every time you come over it. So be consistent no matter what, to see the quality and quantity in your work.
Remember even ‘A consistent drop of water can break down rocks.'
The most “important” point I would like to discuss here because that is what will be the ladder that'll help you reach your destination, taking breaks in your work is as important as having meals three times a day, both will boost your performance in life. Getting up from your chair for 10 minutes having a walk, a little chat with colleagues or just having a talk by yourself could add up to a lot more to your efficiency. There are many different techniques people tend to follow, some are also being mentioned in self-help books, you just must find out which one suits you the best. Some techniques like Pomodoro and others can be tried.
The most personal booster advice I could give you is not to try to do everything perfectly at the start, here’s a reality check, you will not master any habit in just one day or one week if you haven't been a routine person before, try hard each day, push yourself every day, and don't just give up, take small steps every day, remember some people can't even start but you have decided to read till here so there must be some determination in you, that fire will lit up your future, I myself am trying to build new good habits, failing every day, but we must keep going on and on. Perfection just brings remorse and past regrets again and again in front of you.