Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash
Originally, feminism was meant to empower women and fight for the women who were oppressed. It is a movement against the oppressive patriarchy and not against the community of men. Later on, as people from around the world modified and molded this term and its motto in their own convenient ways, it became a worldwide rage against men. When we dig into these matters, there's no coming out of it. It's like a black hole of controversies, varied perceptions, opinions, and beliefs. Let's try to clear the fog around this debatable topic.
Feminism is equal to protecting and supporting the suppressed women of our society, to raise our voices against the ill practices and blasphemy towards them.
It is justified to seek equality and justice for yourself or your community, however, this does not rationalize your choice to vindicate the rights of other communities and downgrade them.
In recent times, everyone has their own approach and beliefs about this movement, confusing and eradicating the actual meaning behind it. Not only raging vigorously against the rights of men but being a hypocrite to their community is disheartening.
We all are acquainted with the ongoing #feministmovements, campaigns, and protests that are trending globally on all social media platforms. Due to these, there are chances that most people mislead by the information and perceive it as the complete opposite. The outburst of ongoing beauty and fashion campaigns and movements related to feminism and woke feminism is problematic for the youth. The youth must get the gist of real feminism and negate supporting woke feminism. Due to mishaps done by few community people don't give us the right to oppose the whole community. A quote by Farida D, states that no one is born believing that women deserve fewer rights than others- the patriarchy teaches us that. Everyone is a born feminist, and you either remain a feminist or you become misogynistic. Hence, the movement is against patriarchy and not the society supporting other communities. To be able to thrive and grow in a society, there needs to be a balance also to sustain the equilibrium we are living in.
Now let's distinguish between woke feminism and radical feminism. Radical feminism rightfully supports all oppressed women and helps them to seek justice and equality. It also focuses on the reproductive rights of women. Some of the leading radical feminists are Ti-Grace Atkinson, Susan Brownmiller, Phyllis Chester, and Corrine Grad. Thus, radical feminism stands against the laws and rules of patriarchy. Nowadays, on reels, we see some female influencers or content creators posting content that is invalid and misleading to the generation. Recently, I discovered a reel by a woman who was seen mocking men who were vegetarian by saying," Just when I thought men cannot be more disappointing, *boom* they are vegetarian" I found this so problematic and wrong at many levels. First of all, you're mocking a person for their lifestyle choices then addressing them as a disappointment, and lastly, mocking the whole community for no reason at all.
Concluding this, I'd like to convey a small message. Believing in equality, and peace and perceiving it in the sense to oppose and disrespect other communities just for the sake of your entitlement and ego, are two different things.
Promoting self-love online and then body shaming people in real life is what you call being woke.
The state of feminism in our country which is gradually increasing toward the rightful choices made by society. But there's still a large portion of our society where women mock and disrespect other women who are against the woke movement.