"Service to man is service to God", a godly avowal sermonized by a great Indian scholar, Swami Vivekananda. Service to society is called social service or social weal. It is done selflessly. A social worker inculcates the rates of harmony and concurrence in people. To work for people is the topmost creed. Mahatma Gandhi said that what the vast mass of humanity does for self or, at best, for family, a social worker does for the common good. Help is crucial in showing fidelity to God, who is universal and knows not only each action but also our studies and stations. Bhagvat Gita mentions that "Maya tatam idam sarvam jagadh vyakt murthina", which means God fulfils the entire universe. Hence, God works through people, and everything one does for others will be rewarded.
All great men have sanctified their lives only by serving humanity. Indeed the lord Sri Ram spent his whole life serving humanity and the well-being of others. Jesus Christ was hanged to death for serving others. Lord Buddha and Swami Narayanan tutored us to live together and be kind to the indigent. Not only these great lords but numerous people also did that selflessly. Freedom fighters are not afraid to die in service to their country.
Not just the Bhagvat Gita, all religious holy books sermonize the same to their disciples. In the Quran (Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi), it is asserted that whoever alleviates the requirements of an indigent person, Allah will palliate his requirements in this world and also thereafter. Allah will prop his menial so long as the menial aids his fellow brothers. The Bible (Hebrews 6:10) says, "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them". Though all persuasions sermonize the same, service to humanity is a true religion. Woodrow Wilson cited that there is no more advanced religion than the service of man.
Helping hands are holier than soliciting lips. The delectation gained by service to humanity is indescribable. Every minute part of this world is filled with fakeness because of the selfishness of people. Hence, one must contemplate the eternal verity and reality. We should not waste time incubating over history or anticipating the future. There is nothing lesser than service to humanity. Our karma decides our fortune. Believing that there is God who cares and loves is not enough to serve. Attitudes and thoughts must be enforced through the conduct of service to humanity to make huge differences in this fake world.
Humanity does not live if each person is selfish. One should try his best to serve according to his capability. Our father of Nation formerly stated that the best way to find oneself is to lose oneself in helping others. When a person is toiling with struggles, an ounce of help is better than being proud of preaching. We can make a difference by joining N.G.O or sharing in academy enterprise towards social work. Visiting homes for the aged and, spending time with the elderly, distributing gifts to children in orphanages on our birthday are such little acts of kindness which can make a big difference. Frequently, plutocrats contribute vast quantities of money to tabernacles, religious institutions, elections, and many more, but are unintentional to help mendicants, orphanages, or indigent people. Little do they realize the foolishness behind their conduct. Instead of getting closer to God, they are condemned by him. One must develop firm faith in the verity that nothing can provide eternal joy except service to humanity. One illustration to inculcate the capability to serve humanity in humans is about the "Good Samaritan" who helped a sick man and did not indeed watch to reveal his identity to people. One should cultivate a quality of compassion. Whatever service one takes over with a compassionate heart, it becomes consecrated.
As a pupil, I pledged daily, "In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness", which still reminds me to serve people daily. Lord Krishna sermonized Arjun, "Sarvadharma parithyajya mamekam saranam vraja", which means one must surrender all his conditioning to Krishna and seek exile in Krishna alone. Being responsible sons of earth, everyone should watch each other in their requirements to make this earth a better place to live and sanctify our lives.