The words 'Let's Normalize' mean it's time to normalize some social issues which are considered as taboo or socially deviant. There are numerous ungeneralised issues in our society, such as women's menstrual cycle, the need for the birth of a male child, normalizing the LGBTQ+ community, gender equality in all aspects like education, jobs, child marriages, virginity test(two-finger test), sex education in schools, lousy treatment towards sex workers many more; the list goes on. Being in the 21st century, we must act better towards these issues.
Every month, millions of girls and women undergo this cycle of miserable pain. It's just blood that comes out as waste. It is a natural, essential, and inevitable physical process fraught with socially induced fear and shame. People are still far from comprehending this typical female phenomenon in many parts of the world. Instead of proper care, they are restricted in various ways to live generally in those period days. Access to sanitary products such as menstrual pads, tampons, or cups is very limited in many low-income and middle-income countries. Girls of rural backgrounds often use proxy materials such as scraps of clothes to absorb the menstrual flow. Proper hygienic and healthy conditions are rare in public places, due to which girls miss their schools or working days in employment due to pain and unhygienic constraints. Period poverty is quite a broader issue than many other issues. Girls are unaware of menarche at a young age and what's suddenly happening with their body changes. It is rarely discussed in schools or families due to long-established shame towards the menstrual cycle.
Though it is better normalized in urban and better-income families, rural people lack awareness. Even in the 21st century, menstruating women are not allowed to do plenty of acts, such as in the kitchen, holy places, or the workplace. Purchasing a harmful pack of cigarettes is openly acknowledged, then why should sanitary pads and other needs be wrapped in an opaque cover? It's excruciating to say that people are conditioned to feel embarrassed and shameful about their periods due to intrinsic stigma among all people for very long ages. Everyone should be taught this from their school days. We should encourage people who strive to normalize such talks. Instead of making it a feminist discussion, we should consider it as a general topic. Women should be given better privileges during period days, like working from home, etc., which helps them stay stress-free. The government should take some initiatives and provide them with sanitary needs at lower prices or through welfare schemes.
LGBTQ+ means recognizing lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, and asexual as the third gender. Even today, in Indian society, diverse sexualities and gender identities led to intolerance and ultra-conservative behavior, especially in rural India, where homosexuality is considered unnatural, thus discriminating against several transwomen and transmen. There are cases of assault and discrimination registered frequently in villages and small cities. Even in the so-called modern society of the 21st century, it's still considered a shameful act regarding same-sex relations. In large parts of the world, it is still taboo to be a different gender. People have not stopped teasing them using abusive and demoralized words without any evil or unusual acts from them. People of this community are still striving for fundamental rights as men and women. Though people are striving hard, there is no qualitative change. As we, homosexual, also find it difficult to maintain desired object relationships, compulsively uses sexuality to ward off anxiety or depression, or whose sexuality typically leads to depression or anxiety. Though laws define them as similar, it is difficult for society to transcend this barrier and equate them. They are not accessible to many things as we are. They are deployed by some laws to maintain good relationships among themselves.
They half won in the battle of law in the supreme court in 2018 regarding their marriage acts. It's bizarre to learn that few countries have denied same-sex relations, and some are based on religious beliefs. At least now it's time to show courtesy towards them and their feelings. It's every individual's responsibility to accept them as they are. It is not the time to judge them; they aren't lacking anything. But we lack respect towards them. We need to understand their feelings as we also need someone to understand our problems in our low times. Even in numerous religious mythologies, it's mentioned about the third gender, and they have been treated commonly; but we are treating them separately and as taboo to society. Awareness among the people is mandatory. Schools and parents should take the initiative to talk regarding the third gender. People of the third gender feel uncomfortable using men's or women's bathrooms, so they should be given such basic privileges to get separate restrooms.
Gender equality is one of the perennially divisive subjects that has been ongoing for centuries. There is substantial statistical data which proves that it's still an ongoing issue. It is the condition of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of sex, including all financial participation and decision-making, and equally valuing all gender-neutral behaviors, aspirations, and needs. According to UNICEF, gender equality implies that men and women have the same rights, resources, opportunities, and protections. It is not necessary for girls and boys, or women and men, to be the same or treated in the same way. We might consider this as an old and solved issue, but a big NO! Still, women in various parts of the world are striving for equal treatment in terms of salary, respect, and status. Due to gender discrimination in some rural parts of the world, girls are exposed to the possibility of child marriages, teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, poor education, sexual abuse, racism, no legal protection, inadequate medical care, and poor participation in societal activities.
It is not too late to realize gender discrimination; at least now, let us normalize this issue and treat them equally. We all know what to do to achieve gender equality, yet we are not stepping ahead. We must make sure that their problems are at a minimal level. Women's empowerment is one of the critical factors that enhances the strength of gender equality. We must learn to respect their thoughts and feelings. We must fulfil their needs as we desire. Let us act like a human and make tremendous societal changes for women. Instead of considering them as feminist acts, let's consider them as godly acts and lead our journey towards equity. Let us help women rule the world and understand their steps toward the globe as goddesses.
One of the most controversial topics, yet one of the inevitable topics too. The need for sex education in schools is at its peak. In many of our lives, inapplicable algebra or calculus has been taught for years, so why not sex education? Despite the fact that sex is a necessary component of our lives, the topic is frequently ignored. The necessity to discuss sex stems from the concern that the act may include various safety precautions for which a person may not be prepared without the correct information. Many young growing children are not aware of these things and end up addicted to many vulgar websites, which do not teach them anything other than mere attraction for some time and addiction for a long time. Access to comprehensive sex education is every human right. It is a piece of knowledge and a process of understanding and learning the mental, physical and social aspects of sexuality. It has parts about puberty, menstruation, contraceptives, sexual violence, sex identification, body image, and sexual orientation. Even in adulthood, people are unaware of many parts of this sex education. Many people have different misconceptions regarding this. Many hypocritical persons think it enhances a child's engagement with sex, but NO, it does the opposite.
Many young kids are unaware of healthy sexual life and end up with STIs. They try to understand from their peers who have the same knowledge about it instead of asking experts due to intrinsic shame established in societies. Children and teenagers better understand their stages of life and body changes. They understand maintaining healthy relationships and thus the reduction of numerous sexually transmitted diseases. Over the period, many researchers have shown that sex education with valuable and appropriate information about human sexuality and orientation and contraception has been incredibly beneficial to children. It solves these issues and helps men in rural societies to that; the cause of male childbirth is men, not women. When young kids are taught about these changes, instead of making fun of their peers, they learn to adapt to these changes among themselves.
Government should act wisely and step ahead in one of the most crucial issues. Curriculum and planning should be developed to introduce at the school level. It is good to learn that, in some countries, the government has normalized it and started helping students to understand it through experts under parents' supervision. This topic significantly impacts many other major and minor issues, such as menstruation, sexual violence and abuse, rape cases, the need for a baby boy, and virginity test.
As early as possible, many topics must be normalized in all parts of the world. These topics are significantly impacting the lives of many individuals. We have restricted our minds from thinking from a broader perspective. We have been influenced by many narrow-minded cultures, which are useless. Everyone should understand the need to normalize these issues. The requirement for spreading these issues in urban and developed areas may be optional, but there is an inevitable need in rural areas and among the young generation who are our future citizens to understand the depth and importance of these topics.
Some countries, like New Zealand, have taken a great initiative to focus on relationships and sex education. They have focused on critical factors like human rights, bullying issues, and sexual diversity. Their curriculum draws on the holistic meaning of sexual health with objectives that aim to teach teenagers to examine gender and sexuality within society critically. They have covered topics of normalizing the LGBTQ community and sex education, which is a tremendous change. It has been part of the curriculum in a few European countries like Germany, Poland, and the Dutch for a few decades.
Though in many countries, it's restricted to STIs like AIDS and syphilis awareness, many qualitative changes need to happen to progress this globe. Generalizing these topics lays the foundation for understanding many other issues, such as sex labor, rape, and prostitution. These are very bold and controversial topics as it is indigestible to many cultural hypocrites. Laws should be strict enough to analyze people's needs and issues accurately. Instead of depending on Governmental changes, social changes must happen to generalize these topics and to understand their voices at ease. It is always better to acquire and be aware of the knowledge instead of risk-taking and repenting. Let us make steps towards empowering women and providing sex education to all to bring many incredible changes among all individuals. It's our time to think and act wisely. Let us act responsibly and work for a better tomorrow.