Dearest confidante,
Let me feel safe in your energy,
creating beautiful memories with elation,
and charades of love that never stops and sails throughout our life,
scaffolding the older memories through those three numinous words and feeling the repeated mistakes becomes a choice.
You are the angel with magic wand that resolve my quandaries in the blink of an eye.
Like the posy Figgerits I could feel the redolence of the floret, whenever you back me up.
Your eye pane's dreamy drapes are driving me wild with admiration for you.
Even the air becomes burden in my the lungs whenever we are apart …
It is credulous from the askew of the symbol of the heart, we both, at times, bend leaving all the egoes, not to break away from the pack of our love.
For our sore nights with fights will soothen in our memories’ ease to
Embrace and embalm each other to hit the spot of our unconditional love.
The amelioration on our stars and the rudiment emotions tossing over mind,
the sky lights up the moment I see you and every flower that blooms in my words is for you love…