Join us as a ‘Partner Author’

Join us as a Partner Author and start monetizing the content you publish on Reflections. This initiative will help you improve the quality of your content and grow your audience dynamically as well as organically

Mandatory eligibility Conditions for the ‘Partner Author Initiative’
  1. Minimum 10 articles/ stories/ poems have been published on People’s Reflections before 1 July 2023 or after 01 July 2023 but before applying for the ‘Partner Author Initiative’.

  2. The content should be Original, not published anywhere else including social media, print media, or any website including your own website or a blog post

  3. The content should be free of plagiarism.

  4. Once the content is pushed under the ‘Partner Author Initiative’, the same cannot be again used anywhere else including social media, print media, or any website including your own website or a blog post unless you delete it first from the People’s Reflections website.

  5. Publishing of submitted content and pushing them for ‘Partner Author Initiative’ is at the sole discretion of People’s Reflections

(Note: Accepting the above conditions is considered as your agreement to apply for the ‘Partner Author Initiative’. Any violation of any of the above conditions will result in the permanent cancellation of the Author’s account from the People’s Reflections website)


  1. What is the eligibility criterion to become a Partner Author on Reflections?

    Ans: Any person can apply to become a Partner Author irrespective of age. Once you apply for Partner Author, the terms and conditions shall apply. Violation of terms and conditions will result in suspension of Partner Author membership.

  2. Do I have to be a Paid Subscriber first before applying for a Partner Author?

    Ans: No. Even if you are not a paid subscriber, you can apply for the Partner Author.

  3. What all I have to do to become a Partner Author and start earning on Reflections?

    Ans: You have to follow the below steps:

    1. apply for the Partner Author status on the Reflections;

    2. Start writing quality content meeting ‘Reflections Writing Standards’; (know ‘Reflections Writing Standards’ here).

    3. Follow the guidelines provided by Reflections from time to time; and

    4. Do not involve in plagiarism.

  4. When and how can I start earning?

    Ans: Immediately. Once the published article/s is read by the paid subscriber on Reflections, part of the reader’s subscription money will be proportionately distributed to the respective Authors. The payment is based on the total number of readers reading the particular story. (know Payment Distribution Method)

  5. How can I monitor the status of my payment?

    Ans: In the ‘Story Stats’ tab on right-hand side dropdown, you can check the performance of your every story and the earnings you are making against it.

  6. When the payment will be released?

    Ans: The payment will be released on a monthly basis which will be net of TDS and the payment gateway charges.

  7. Who will be the owner of the stories published as a Partner Author?

    Ans: The Author will be the owner of his/ her stories published on Reflections. Reflection will have the sole marketing rights till the stories are available on the Reflections website.

  8. . Can we publish stories that are already published on any other website or book?

    Ans: No. Reflections is striving for genuine and original content to protect the Authors’ community from plagiarism, irrespective of whether the author is associated with Reflections or not. Therefore, we strongly oppose the publication of content that is already published on any other website or book. If it is noticed, the Author’s account will be liable for suspension and the payments will be withheld by the Reflections, if any.

  9. Can we remove a story, or can we delete account anytime?

    Ans: Yes, since you are the owner of your stories, you can remove them at any time. Also, you can delete your account also anytime.

  10. What is the effective date of introduction of the Partner Author initiative?

    Ans: The effective date of introduction of the Partner Author initiative is 01 July 2023 i.e. the Effective date.

  11. What will happen to the articles published before the Effective date?

    Ans: The articles or stories meeting the standard of Reflections will be considered for payment distribution under the Partner Author initiative (know ‘Reflections Writing Standards’ here).

  12. Whether all the articles submitted by us will qualify under Partner Author Initiative?

    Ans: No. the articles/ stories submitted by shall meet the Reflections Writing Standards. Once you submit the article, it will undergo the moderation process and get published in 4-5 days. (know ‘Reflections Writing Standards’ here).

  13. What are the duties and responsibilities of Reflections under Partner Author Initiative?

    Ans: It is the duty and responsibility of Reflections to ensure the originality of articles in the interest of the Authors’ community, marketing of content, assist authors to improve the quality of the content, to develop technology i.e. AI and Machine Learning to maximize the number of audiences, and timely payment disbursement to authors.